12 September 2014
Ukraine is now the main priority for the EU - Petro Poroshenko
12 September 2014

Ukraine is now the main priority for the EU - Petro Poroshenko

The European Union is showing its unity and solidarity with Ukraine, despite its own domestic political problems, witnessing thus the priority of the Ukrainian issue for the European community. This...
Sviatoslav Vakarchuk: If we act the way we have been acting for the last 23 years, without caring about the fate of the people in the Donbass, we will change nothing
11 September 2014

Sviatoslav Vakarchuk: If we act the way we have been acting for the last 23 years, without caring about the fate of the people in the Donbass, we will change nothing

The political elites must listen to the people of the Donbas and pay attention to their fate in order to effect real, quality changes Ukrainian society, said popular singer Sviatoslav Vakarchuk at the opening reception of the 11th YES Annual Meeting in Kyiv.

Vitaliy Klitchko: All the changes will start from Kyiv, and Kyiv will demonstrate an example of a European capital… We will overcome – Ukraine will be European
11 September 2014

Vitaliy Klitchko: All the changes will start from Kyiv, and Kyiv will demonstrate an example of a European capital… We will overcome – Ukraine will be European

At the opening reception of the 11th YES Annual Meeting opening in Kyiv, Mayor Vitaly Klitchko said he believes Ukraine will achieve European standards of living, and that Kyiv will take its place as one of the great European capitals.

Taruta: Regions need more administrative autonomy
11 September 2014

Taruta: Regions need more administrative autonomy

The regions of Ukraine need more financial and administrative autonomy, said Sergiy Taruta, Head of the Donetsk Region State Administration at the opening reception of the 11th YES Annual Meeting, entitled, “New Ukraine, New Europe, New World: Building and Defending” last Thursday evening in Kyiv.

Stephan Fule: Maydan has reminded all of us that the value of democracy may never be underestimated, and that sometimes one has to defend it hard
11 September 2014

Stephan Fule: Maydan has reminded all of us that the value of democracy may never be underestimated, and that sometimes one has to defend it hard

Speaking at the opening reception of the 11th YES Annual Meeting in Kyiv, European Commissioner for Enlargement Stephan Füle said he believes the EuroMaidan movement reminded the citizens of the European Union about the value of democracy and the need to defend it.

Taruta: Maydan is not over today
11 September 2014

Taruta: Maydan is not over today

“Maidan overthrew the Viktor Yanukovych regime, but the reforms and freedoms those in Maidan square were striving for have not yet been achieved”, said Head of the Donetsk Region State Administration, Serhiy Taruta, at the opening reception the 11th YES Annual Meeting, entitled “New Ukraine, New Europe, New World: Building and Defending” on September 11th, 2014, in Kyiv.

Stephan Fule: I welcome very much the Ukrainian leadership not to lose contact with the people in the East of Ukraine who are anxious and terrified
11 September 2014

Stephan Fule: I welcome very much the Ukrainian leadership not to lose contact with the people in the East of Ukraine who are anxious and terrified

European Commissioner for Enlargement, Stephan Füle, called on the Ukrainian leadership not to lose touch with the population of the eastern regions of Ukraine and expressed his strong support for all the defenders of the sovereign Ukrainian State. He made these remarks at the opening reception of the 11th YES Annual Meeting in Kyiv.

Kwasniewski: Ukraine needs our understanding
11 September 2014

Kwasniewski: Ukraine needs our understanding

Ukraine needs the continued understanding and solidarity of the European community, said Alexander Kwasniewski, Polish President (1995-2005), Chairman of the Board of Yalta European Strategy (YES), at the opening reception of the 11th YES Annual Meeting entitled “New Ukraine, New Europe, New World: Building and Defending” on the evening of 11th September 2014, in Kyiv.

This year’s forum will include participation of 100 Ukrainian students, selected through an open-call and via a national competition
11 September 2014

This year’s forum will include participation of 100 Ukrainian students, selected through an open-call and via a national competition

Since the forum was founded in 2004, more than 350 global leaders in politics, business, society and media from over 20 countries have gathered at the YES Annual Meeting to discuss the role of Ukraine within wider Europe and the world. For the first time in its history, the YES Annual Meeting will take place in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv. In past years, the forum was held at its traditional venue, the Livadia Palace in Yalta, Crimea, which was annexed by Russia from Ukraine last March.

President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves and Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales will discuss Role of Media in Revolution and War at the 11th YES Annual Meeting
11 September 2014

President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves and Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales will discuss Role of Media in Revolution and War at the 11th YES Annual Meeting

The 11th Yalta European Strategy (YES) Annual Meeting entitled “New Ukraine, New Europe, New World: Building and Defending,” today announced the addition of several global thought leaders who will be participating in the forum.

Richard Branson
Richard Branson
Founder and Chairman, Virgin Group, 9th YES Annual Meeting, 2012
«The problem of capitalism is that it does result in the extreme wealth of a few people. If those people are benevolent people, they’ll use that wealth constructively; they’ll reinvest it and do great things»