Stephan Fule: I welcome very much the Ukrainian leadership not to lose contact with the people in the East of Ukraine who are anxious and terrified

Stephan Fule: I welcome very much the Ukrainian leadership not to lose contact with the people in the East of Ukraine who are anxious and terrified
11 September 2014

European Commissioner for Enlargement, Stephan Füle, called on the Ukrainian leadership not to lose touch with the population of the eastern regions of Ukraine and expressed his strong support for all the defenders of the sovereign Ukrainian State. He made these remarks at the opening reception of the 11th YES Annual Meeting in Kyiv.

“I want to express my strong support for the people in the East of Ukraine who have experienced so many things during the conflict. Wherever you are – in Kharkiv, Mariupol, Donetsk – our thoughts are with you. And with all those who defend Ukraine’s sovereignty …I urge the Ukrainian leadership not to lose contact with the people in the East of Ukraine who are anxious and terrified… they need your understanding of their suffering, their endurance and reassurance that such a choice does not have to be made”, stressed Füle.

According to the Commissioner, “The point of Maidan was not to divide the country. It was about uniting people in their hopes and aspirations for a better life”. He pointed out that the population of the eastern regions deserves an accountable and diligent government, contributing fairly to the development of the area.

Füle is also confident that, “Maidan created a chance for a better life”. He stressed that the EU has nothing to do with the command of the Dignity Revolution, but reiterated that the European community is eager to provide support for the Ukrainian people.

“We in the European Union do not command revolutions. We do not have the intention, nor the mandate. But we do have a strong political will and powerful tools to help people achieve the fulfillment of their hopes and make sure that the ideals of the revolution are not lost… I am confident that the values Maidan strove and fought for will win, and Maidan itself will be referred to as one of the defining historical moments for Europe”.

The official Twitter of the 11th YES Annual Meeting: @YES_Ukraine,  Hashtag: #YESUkraine2014

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Andriy Kobolyev
Andriy Kobolyev
CEO, Naftogaz of Ukraine, 15th YES Annual Meeting, 2018
«Nordstream 2 is a much wider problem than just gas matters. That’s about security of Ukraine, it’s a matter of our survival.»