11 September 2014
Taruta: Maydan is not over today
11 September 2014

Taruta: Maydan is not over today

“Maidan overthrew the Viktor Yanukovych regime, but the reforms and freedoms those in Maidan square were striving for have not yet been achieved”, said Head of the Donetsk Region State Administration,...
Stephan Fule: I welcome very much the Ukrainian leadership not to lose contact with the people in the East of Ukraine who are anxious and terrified
11 September 2014

Stephan Fule: I welcome very much the Ukrainian leadership not to lose contact with the people in the East of Ukraine who are anxious and terrified

European Commissioner for Enlargement, Stephan Füle, called on the Ukrainian leadership not to lose touch with the population of the eastern regions of Ukraine and expressed his strong support for all the defenders of the sovereign Ukrainian State. He made these remarks at the opening reception of the 11th YES Annual Meeting in Kyiv.

Kwasniewski: Ukraine needs our understanding
11 September 2014

Kwasniewski: Ukraine needs our understanding

Ukraine needs the continued understanding and solidarity of the European community, said Alexander Kwasniewski, Polish President (1995-2005), Chairman of the Board of Yalta European Strategy (YES), at the opening reception of the 11th YES Annual Meeting entitled “New Ukraine, New Europe, New World: Building and Defending” on the evening of 11th September 2014, in Kyiv.

This year’s forum will include participation of 100 Ukrainian students, selected through an open-call and via a national competition
11 September 2014

This year’s forum will include participation of 100 Ukrainian students, selected through an open-call and via a national competition

Since the forum was founded in 2004, more than 350 global leaders in politics, business, society and media from over 20 countries have gathered at the YES Annual Meeting to discuss the role of Ukraine within wider Europe and the world. For the first time in its history, the YES Annual Meeting will take place in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv. In past years, the forum was held at its traditional venue, the Livadia Palace in Yalta, Crimea, which was annexed by Russia from Ukraine last March.

President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves and Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales will discuss Role of Media in Revolution and War at the 11th YES Annual Meeting
11 September 2014

President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves and Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales will discuss Role of Media in Revolution and War at the 11th YES Annual Meeting

The 11th Yalta European Strategy (YES) Annual Meeting entitled “New Ukraine, New Europe, New World: Building and Defending,” today announced the addition of several global thought leaders who will be participating in the forum.

José Manuel Barroso, Tony Blair and Arseniy Yatsenyuk Join Global Leaders at 11th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting
11 September 2014

José Manuel Barroso, Tony Blair and Arseniy Yatsenyuk Join Global Leaders at 11th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting

The 11th Yalta European Strategy (YES) Annual Meeting announced today that José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission and former Prime Minister of Portugal (2002-2004), will be a featured speaker at the forum. YES, the leading public diplomacy platform in Eastern Europe to develop strategies for Ukraine and Wider Europe and promote Ukraine’s European integration holds its 11th Annual Meeting under the title "New Ukraine, New Europe, New World - Building and Defending."

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, President of the Republic of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves and President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz to Open YES Annual Meeting September 12 in Kyiv, Ukraine
8 September 2014

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, President of the Republic of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves and President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz to Open YES Annual Meeting September 12 in Kyiv, Ukraine

The 11th Yalta European Strategy (YES) Annual Meeting entitled “New Ukraine, New Europe, New World: Building and Defending,” will take place in Kyiv, Ukraine from September 11-13, 2014.

Open Call for Ukrainian Students to Take Part in the 11th YES Annual Meeting
5 August 2014

Open Call for Ukrainian Students to Take Part in the 11th YES Annual Meeting

The Victor Pinchuk Foundation and the Yalta European Strategy (YES) announce an open competition for Ukrainian students of 3-6 courses to participate in the 11th YES Annual Meeting to be held in Kyiv on September 11-13, 2014.

The Board of Yalta European Strategy (YES) visited Brussels  for meetings with EU officials
24 July 2014

The Board of Yalta European Strategy (YES) visited Brussels for meetings with EU officials

The Yalta European Strategy (YES) Board on July 23, 2014 met in Brussels with President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso, EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Štefan Füle and Deputy General Secretary of the European External Action Service Helga Schmid.

Aleksander Kwasniewski: the 11th YES Meeting is to be held in Kyiv, a city which is the symbol of the hopes and dreams of Ukrainians
27 March 2014

Aleksander Kwasniewski: the 11th YES Meeting is to be held in Kyiv, a city which is the symbol of the hopes and dreams of Ukrainians

Chairman of the Board of Yalta European Strategy, President of Poland (1995–2005) Aleksander Kwasniewski announced Kyiv as the venue of the 11th Meeting of Yalta European Strategy (YES).

Stefan Fule
Stefan Fule
7th YES Annual Meeting, 2010
«Ukraine Needs Europe and Europe Needs Ukraine»