01 March 2014
01 March 2014

YES Board statement - Ukraine: We must look forward

On Maidan, flowers and candles have replaced the cobblestones and barricades. They honor the heroes who fell one week ago for Ukraine. But new challenges are here for Ukraine, as well as for European...
Chairman of the Board of YES Aleksander Kwasniewski is rated 1st in the list of “Top 10 Ukraine’s Promoters in the World”
5 February 2014

Chairman of the Board of YES Aleksander Kwasniewski is rated 1st in the list of “Top 10 Ukraine’s Promoters in the World”

Chairman of the Board of Yalta European Strategy Aleksander Kwasniewski is at the top of the annual ranking of "Top 10 Ukraine lobbyists in the world".

31 January 2014

Letter to the Editor of the FT.com from the Board of Yalta European Strategy (YES)

The time for ‘Ukraine fatigue’ is over – now East and West must work together.

21 September 2013

Ukraine has never been so close to the EU as it is now – Alexander Kwaśniewski

Ukraine is a hair’s breadth away from signing the Association Agreement with the European Union, but the country still needs to fulfil several conditions, which are requisite in the EU’s opinion, stated the President of Poland (1995 - 2005), and Chairman of the YES Board, Alexander Kwaśniewski on Saturday in Livadia Palace in Yalta, summarizing the results of the 10th Annual Meeting of YES “Changing Ukraine in a Changing World: Factors of Success”.

21 September 2013

Signing the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement is only the beginning of the journey - Arseniy Yatsenyuk

The Vilnius Summit in November, at which Ukraine and the European Union may sign their Association Agreement is only the beginning of the journey.  After that  the country will need to prove its capacity to fulfill its new obligations, and the government will need to contain results-oriented people, stated Member of Parliament of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk  (“Batkivshchyna” faction).

21 September 2013

Tigipko names the three biggest issues for Ukraine

Ukraine should be more democratic, improve the standards of market economy and implement a more effective social policy, said MP Serhiy Tigipko, Party of Regions faction, at the YES 10th Annual Meeting “Changing Ukraine in a Changing World: Factors of Success” on Saturday, at the Livadia Palace in Yalta.

21 September 2013

Signing the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement is an opportunity to implement systemic reforms in Ukraine – Vitali Klitschko

Signing the planned Association Agreement with the European Union this November, in Vilnius, is a chance to implement systemic reforms. Vitali Klitschko, MP of Ukraine, Chairman of the “UDAR” Party, and leader of the namesake parliamentary faction, stated at the 10th Annual Meeting of the Yalta European Strategy.

21 September 2013

Ukraine needs institutional change, leading economic experts believe

Ukraine needs time to decide on its position relative to the countries it neighbours,  stated the President of Kyiv School of Economics, Pavlo Sheremeta, at the 10th Annual Meeting of YES “Changing Ukraine in a Changing World: Factors of Success” on Saturday in Livadia Palace, Crimea.

21 September 2013

The lack of structural reforms and high pressure on private business give birth to macroeconomic and fiscal problems - Roubini

The economic problems of Ukraine are very similar to the current situation in other developing markets – in particular, Indonesia and South Africa. This topic was covered by Professor of Stern School of Business, Nouriel Roubini, at the 10th Annual Meeting of the Yalta European Strategy.

Muhammad Yunus
Muhammad Yunus
Nobel Peace Prize Winner, 2006; Founder, Grameen Bank; Chairman, Yunus Centre , 9th YES Annual Meeting, 2012
«Poverty is not created by the poor. Poverty is externally imposed on them. Poverty is created by the system that we built…Poverty should be in a museum, not in human society»