16 September 2016
The USA and NATO were too slow to react to Russia’s aggressive behaviour in the world – former US Secretary of Defence
16 September 2016

The USA and NATO were too slow to react to Russia’s aggressive behaviour in the world – former US Secretary of Defence

The United States and NATO members were too slow to react to Russia’s aggressive behaviour in the world, said 22nd United States Secretary of Defence (2006-2011), CIA Director (1991-1993) Robert Gates...
The Western world will have to pass a test on its own values – Arseniy Yatseniuk
16 September 2016

The Western world will have to pass a test on its own values – Arseniy Yatseniuk

The Western world will have to prove in practice the commitment it has to its fundamental values in the context of Russian aggression, said leader of the People’s Front Party, Prime Minister of Ukraine (2014-2016), Arseniy Yatseniuk, at the 13th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting (YES).

EU expects Ukrainian economy to grow by 1-2% in 2016 - said European Commission Vice-President for financial stability
16 September 2016

EU expects Ukrainian economy to grow by 1-2% in 2016 - said European Commission Vice-President for financial stability

The EU expects the Ukrainian economy to grow by 1-2% in 2016, said the European Commission Vice-President for the Euro, Social Dialogue and Financial Stability, Valdis Dombrovskis, at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Yalta European Strategy (YES).

Ex-chief of the CIA says declaring ‘war on terror’ was an error
16 September 2016

Ex-chief of the CIA says declaring ‘war on terror’ was an error

The decision to declare ‘war on terror’ was incorrect, because terrorism is a tactic that people have been resorting to for a long time, said the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (1991-93) and US former Defense Minister (2006-11), Robert Gates.

EU should opt for strengthening external borders - Jose Manuel Barroso
16 September 2016

EU should opt for strengthening external borders - Jose Manuel Barroso

The European Union should opt for the strengthening of external borders, in order to avoid growing barriers inside Europe, said President of the European Commission (2004-2014), Prime Minister of Portugal (2002-2004), Jose Manuel Barroso, at the 13th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting (YES).

Classic ideologies are gone, politicians seeking to find support in the past – Carl Bildt
16 September 2016

Classic ideologies are gone, politicians seeking to find support in the past – Carl Bildt

Classic ideologies have lost their popularity and politicians are trying to find support in the past, thinks Carl Bildt, Minister of Foreign Affairs for Sweden (2006-2014), Prime Minister of Sweden (1991-1994) .

Ukraine is undergoing a similar transformation to that experienced by the USA in the late 18th century - Vakarchuk
16 September 2016

Ukraine is undergoing a similar transformation to that experienced by the USA in the late 18th century - Vakarchuk

Ukraine is currently undergoing a similar political transformation to that which the USA experienced in the late 18th century, Ukrainian public activist and Okean Elzy rock band frontman Svyatoslav Vakarchuk said at the 13th Yalta European Strategy (YES) Annual Meeting.

The rhetoric of intolerance in the US electoral campaign implies great threats to the country and the world – Natalia Jaresko
16 September 2016

The rhetoric of intolerance in the US electoral campaign implies great threats to the country and the world – Natalia Jaresko

The rhetoric of intolerance that there is in the US presidential election campaign implies great threats both for the United States of America and for the whole world, said former Minister of Finance of Ukraine (2014-2016) Natalia Jaresko at the 13th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting (YES).

EU-Turkey negotiations should focus on economy - European Commissioner Hahn
16 September 2016

EU-Turkey negotiations should focus on economy - European Commissioner Hahn

The EU and Turkey should pay more attention to economic cooperation in the course of bilateral negotiations, said Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, at the 13th Yalta European Strategy (YES) Annual Meeting.

Turkey has been in the European Union’s waiting hall for half a century, patience is running out – Turkish Deputy Prime Minister
16 September 2016

Turkey has been in the European Union’s waiting hall for half a century, patience is running out – Turkish Deputy Prime Minister

For the last half a century, Turkey has been in the European Union’s waiting hall, however no further steps have been made and this is disappointing, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister, Mehmet Simsek, has said.  Simsek was speaking to the 13th Annual Meeting of the Yalta European Strategy.

Marina Abramović
Marina Abramović
Artist, 14th YES Annual Meeting, 2017
«Politicians need to have a big picture, but artists need to have even bigger picture because they are oxygen of society. And we are free, we don’t discriminate, we don’t belong to anybody. We can do whatever we want.»