Moderate political forces in Europe need to re-claim leadership of their countries, at the national level, in order for the EU to maintain its integrity and develop further, former European Commission President (2004-2014), Jose Manuel Barroso, said at the 13th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting.
Ukraine will not be able to overcome corruption until it carries out the full cleanup in the judiciary system, said Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko during his speech at the 13thYalta European Strategy Annual Meeting (YES).
Ukraine deserves liberalization of the visa regime with the European Union and the European parliament should vote on this issue in early October, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said. Poroshenko was speaking to the 13th Annual Meeting of the Yalta European Strategy on its first session day.
Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko, has called on the international community to strengthen its sanctions against Russia over the absence of compromise on Russia’s part. He was speaking at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Yalta European Strategy.
“The progress on the political track in the Minsk Process is possible only when Russia has ensured a sustainable and comprehensive ceasefire,” said Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko during his speech at the 13th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting (YES).
Ukraine will not accept the legitimacy of the election to the Russian Parliament on the territory of the Crimean Autonomous Republic. The deputies elected are simply buying their membership in the ‘sanctions club’, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said.
Poroshenko was speaking to the 13th Annual Meeting of the Yalta European Strategy on its first session day.
Ukraine hopes that Volodymyr Zhemchugov, a political prisoner of the Kremlin, will get released as soon as on Saturday 17 September, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said in his speech to the 13th Annual Meeting of the Yalta European Strategy (YES).
Ukraine, above all, needs international partners to display unity and solidarity with it, rather than being offered money, arms or advisers - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said in his speech to the 13th Annual Meeting of the Yalta European Strategy on its first session day.
“The crisis in Ukraine is global and its solution should be a priority among global leaders’ objectives,” said Victor Pinchuk in his welcome note at the 13th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting (YES).