11 June 2024
11 June 2024

YES and Victor Pinchuk Foundation hosted a discussion on the support strategy for Ukraine in German Bundestag

June 11, 2024, Berlin, Germany On the eve of the Ukraine Recovery Conference, Yalta European Strategy (YES) and the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, with support from Robin Wagener, Member of the Bundestag...
31 May 2024

The YES Board met in Kyiv to prepare for the 20th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting

The Yalta European Strategy (YES) members of the Board held a series of meetings in Kyiv with leaders from politics, diplomacy, business, civil society and veterans. The purpose of the meetings is to prepare for the 20th YES Annual Meeting, which will take place in September 2024.

25 February 2024

Victor Pinchuk Foundation and YES held discussion “Is It Impossible to isolate Russia?” during the YES meeting in Kyiv “Two Years - Stay in the Fight”

On 24 February 2024, the Victor Pinchuk Foundation and Yalta European Strategy (YES) held a discussion “Is It Impossible to isolate Russia?” on the occasion of the YES meeting in Kyiv “Two Years - Stay in the Fight” dedicated to the second anniversary of Ukraine's resistance to the full-scale invasion of Russia. Speakers discussed Ukraine’s fight for life, freedom and rule-bases order as well as how to aid Ukrainians’ victory in this fight for us all.

25 February 2024

Victor Pinchuk Foundation and YES held a Conversation with the Minister of Defense of Sweden during the YES meeting in Kyiv “Two Years - Stay in Fight”

On 24 February 2024, the Victor Pinchuk Foundation and Yalta European Strategy (YES) held a conversation with the Minister of Defense of Sweden on the occasion of the YES meeting in Kyiv “Two Years - Stay in Fight” dedicated to the second anniversary of Ukraine's resistance to the full-scale invasion of Russia. Speakers discussed Ukraine’s fight for life, freedom and rule-bases order as well as how to aid Ukrainians victory in this fight for us all.

25 February 2024

Victor Pinchuk Foundation and YES held discussion “Ukraine's Future: EU, NATO, Ukraine and Victory.” during the YES meeting in Kyiv “Two Years — Stay in the Fight”

On 24 February 2024, the Victor Pinchuk Foundation and Yalta European Strategy (YES) held a discussion “Ukraine's Future: EU, NATO, Ukraine and Victory” on the occasion of the YES meeting in Kyiv “Two Years — Stay in the Fight” dedicated to the second anniversary of Russia’s brutal and unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Speakers discussed Ukraine’s fight for life, freedom and rules-based order as well as how to aid Ukrainians victory in this fight for us all.

25 February 2024

Victor Pinchuk Foundation and YES held discussion “Survival, Victory, Peace ” during the YES meeting in Kyiv “Two Years — Stay in the Fight”

On 24 February 2024, the Victor Pinchuk Foundation and Yalta European Strategy (YES) held a discussion “Survival, Victory, Peace” on the occasion of the YES meeting in Kyiv “Two Years — Stay in the Fight” dedicated to the second anniversary of Ukraine's resistance to the full-scale invasion of Russia. Speakers discussed Ukraine’s fight for life, freedom and rules-based order as well as how to aid Ukrainians' victory in this fight for us all.

25 February 2024

Victor Pinchuk Foundation and YES held discussion “Democracy, Corruption, Unity — Ukrainian Realities vs. Appearances” during the YES meeting in Kyiv “Two Years — Stay in the Fight”

On 24 February 2024, the Victor Pinchuk Foundation and Yalta European Strategy (YES) held a discussion “Democracy, Corruption, Unity — Ukrainian Realities vs. Appearances” on the occasion of the YES meeting in Kyiv “Two Years — Stay in the Fight” dedicated to the second anniversary of Ukraine's resistance to the full-scale invasion of Russia. Speakers discussed Ukraine’s fight for life, freedom and the rules-based order as well as how to aid Ukrainians’ victory in this fight for us all.

25 February 2024

Victor Pinchuk Foundation and YES held discussion “The Future Is Ours. But Not For Free” during the YES meeting in Kyiv “Two Years — Stay in the Fight”

On 24 February 2024, the Victor Pinchuk Foundation and Yalta European Strategy (YES) held a discussion “The Future Is Ours. But Not For Free” on the occasion of the YES meeting in Kyiv “Two Years — Stay in the Fight” dedicated to the second anniversary of Russia’s brutal and unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Speakers discussed Ukraine’s fight for life, freedom and rules-based order as well as how to aid Ukrainians victory in this fight for us all.

25 February 2024

Victor Pinchuk Foundation and YES held discussion “Will the US Decamp? And Who Could Step In?” during the YES meeting in Kyiv “Two Years - Stay in the Fight”

On 24 February 2024, the Victor Pinchuk Foundation and Yalta European Strategy (YES) held a discussion “Will the US Decamp? And Who Could Step In?” on the occasion of the YES meeting in Kyiv “Two Years - Stay in the Fight” dedicated to the second anniversary of Ukraine's resistance to the full-scale invasion of Russia. Speakers discussed Ukraine’s fight for life, freedom and rules-based order as well as how to aid Ukrainians victory in this fight for us all.

25 February 2024

Victor Pinchuk Foundation and YES held discussion “Life or Death Statistics: Are Ukraine's Finances, Economy, Infrastructure and Social System Sustainable?” during the YES meeting in Kyiv “Two Years — Stay in the Fight”

On 24 February 2024, the Victor Pinchuk Foundation and Yalta European Strategy (YES) held a discussion “Life or Death Statistics: Are Ukraine's Finances, Economy, Infrastructure and Social System Sustainable?” on the occasion of the YES meeting in Kyiv “Two Years —Stay in the Fight” dedicated to the second anniversary of Ukraine's resistance to the full-scale invasion of Russia. Speakers discussed Ukraine’s fight for life, freedom and rules-based order as well as how to aid Ukrainians victory in this fight for us all. 

Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Founder of Rasmussen Global; Secretary General of NATO (2009-2014); Prime Minister of Denmark (2001-2009), 15th YES Annual Meeting, 2018
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