16 September 2011
Increased demand without solution to the debt problem can not provide an effective way out of the crisis – Fitschen
16 September 2011

Increased demand without solution to the debt problem can not provide an effective way out of the crisis – Fitschen

Centralization of fiscal policy within the European Union is an essential precondition to overcome the crisis within the Euro zone....
The only way to overcome the global economic crisis is to increase the demand – Summers
16 September 2011

The only way to overcome the global economic crisis is to increase the demand – Summers

The present-day problems in the US and European economies are not linked to the nature of society as it is, they are due to the faults in the financial system.

The world’s economy is completely globalized – Peres
16 September 2011

The world’s economy is completely globalized – Peres

“No national economies, in fact, exist in the modern world, there is only the global economy and national “poverties”, Shimon Peres, President of the State of Israel, stated in his special speech at the 8th Yalta Annual Meeting of YES.

Science is the only reserve for global development – Peres
16 September 2011

Science is the only reserve for global development – Peres

Science is the only reserve for global development in the modern world, as it is capable of turning into a key driver for effective search of responses to global challenges, Shimon Peres, President of the State of Israel, stated in his special speech at the 8th Yalta Annual Meeting of YES.

Ukraine still sees itself as part of Europe’s future – Kwasniewski
16 September 2011

Ukraine still sees itself as part of Europe’s future – Kwasniewski

In today’s world the ability of countries  to cooperate and seek answers to the global challenges together becomes especially important, states Chairman of the Board of YES, President of Poland (1995-2005) Aleksander Kwasniewski.

The modern world is to rethink the notion of development – Victor Pinchuk
16 September 2011

The modern world is to rethink the notion of development – Victor Pinchuk

Now more than ever, an individual, a country and the global community should be prompt, strong and clever to effectively face global challenges arising in all areas and being multiplied at the new qualitative level, stated Victor Pinchuk, YES founder and Board Member, Ukrainian businessman and public figure at the opening the 8th Annual Meeting of Yalta European Strategy.

Prospects for development of East European region to be discussed at the Yalta Annual Meeting of YES
14 September 2011

Prospects for development of East European region to be discussed at the Yalta Annual Meeting of YES

A discussion dedicated to the problems and prospects for Eastern Europe development is on the agenda of the 8th Yalta Annual Meeting. Particular attention of the session will be focused on the role of Ukraine in development of the region’s economy and relationships of the Eastern European countries with their largest neighbours – the European Union and Russia.

Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman to analyze future of market economy and democracy at the 8th Yalta Annual Meeting
13 September 2011

Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman to analyze future of market economy and democracy at the 8th Yalta Annual Meeting

The world’s preeminent economist and publicist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics 2008 Paul Krugman will appear at the 8th Annual Meeting of Yalta European Strategy (YES) with his special speech entitled “The Future of Western Democracy and Market Economy”. The speech will be delivered in the evening of the first conference day – Friday, September 16.

Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych & Israel President Shimon Peres to Open 8th Annual Yalta Meeting
8 September 2011

Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych & Israel President Shimon Peres to Open 8th Annual Yalta Meeting

The 8th Yalta Annual Meeting entitled “Ukraine and the World: Common Challenges, Common Future”, organized by the Yalta European Strategy (YES) in partnership with the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, will take place in Livadia Palace, Ukraine from 15th to 18th of  September 2011.

Yulia Tymoshenko
Yulia Tymoshenko
Member of Parliament of Ukraine, Chairwoman, The Batkivshchyna Party, 15th YES Annual Meeting, 2018
«A country can become economically successful only if it has strong institutions, if it has a strong, responsible and efficient governance.»