Ukraine still sees itself as part of Europe’s future – Kwasniewski

Ukraine still sees itself as part of Europe’s future – Kwasniewski
16 September 2011

In today’s world the ability of countries  to cooperate and seek answers to the global challenges together becomes especially important, states Chairman of the Board of YES, President of Poland (1995-2005) Aleksander Kwasniewski.

Quoting the words of John Paul II that "the world is a building that is constantly under construction", Aleksander Kwasniewski said that each "brick" in this building is important, but more important is "how strong they bond together. This determines whether our common home can withstand storms and floods of the global crises”.

Aleksander Kwasniewski emphasized that “YES is one of those organizations helping the “bricks” to hold together. We believe that an open and equal dialogue about our common problems can unite people, countries and nations; such dialogue helps us all to see the ways for development of Europe and the whole world in a new light”.

Talking about Ukraine’s role in today’s Europe, Kwasniewski stated: “Ukraine is a very important “brick” in the building of the European home. “Wider Europe” Charles de Gaulle dreamt about – ‘Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals', with common economic and cultural space and common values – such Europe is impossible without Ukraine.”

According to Kwasniewski, today Ukraine experiences a difficult period of reforms, tough economic situation. “The main thing for me is that Ukraine still wants to Europe. Ukraine still sees itself as part of the European family, part of Europe’s future.”

Aleksander Kwasniewsky expressed his hope that the current Yalta Annual Meeting of YES would help Ukraine’s accession to the EU. “If we make now at least a tiny step forward to the future, it would be a victory for YES, for Ukraine and for Europe.”

The 8th Yalta Annual Meeting entitled “Ukraine and the World: Common Challenges, Common Future”, organized by the Yalta European Strategy (YES) in partnership with the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, will take place in Livadia Palace, Ukraine from 15th to 18th of  September 2011.

Special Partners:
Alfa-Bank Ukraine

Visa Inc.
International Renaissance Foundation

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Korrespondent magazine

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Victor Pinchuk
Victor Pinchuk
Founder and Member of the Board of YES, 8th YES Annual Meeting, 2011
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