29 June 2007

Ukraine has a real prospect to access to the EU in 2020 - Kwasniewski

Prospect for Ukraine's accession to the European Union in 2020 in accordance with the provisions of YES "Agenda-2020" is feasible enough.

29 June 2007

Informal meetings are essential for foreign policy - Gorbulin

Informal meetings between Ukrainian and European leaders are an essential component of foreign policy process of Ukraine.

29 June 2007

Yuschenko has no doubts about the EU perspective of Ukraine

"I am optimistic about the European perspective of Ukraine. Actually, I have no doubt about it" - said Victor Yuschenko, President of Ukraine, during his welcome word on the ceremony of official opening of 4th annual YES meeting.

28 June 2007

4th annual YES meeting gather a record breaking number of participants

Number of participants of the 4th annual meeting of Yalta European Strategy organization reached a record breaking 170 persons.

28 June 2007

Gerhard Schroeder has arrived to Kyiv to participate in YES Summit

Federal Chancellor of Germany (in office October 27, 1998 - November 22, 2005) has arrived to Kyiv today to participate in the 4th annual meeting of Yalta European Strategy (YES). 

28 June 2007

Slovenia promises to support the EU aspirations of Ukraine

The Prime Minister of Slovenia Republic, Janez Janša, says that Slovenia is willing to provide a multi-purpose support to Ukraine in order to facilitate its joining to the European Union. 

25 June 2007

Clinton, Schroder, and Kwasniewski on the air

June 29-30, 2007, our Internet site is to host a live Internet broadcasting of the 4th "Yalta European Strategy" Summit.

Carl Bildt
Carl Bildt
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, 9th YES Annual Meeting, 2012
«Europe offers not love but law to Ukraine which is more predictable»