Friday June 29 in Livadia palace, Yalta, Crimea plenary sessions of the 4th annual meeting of Yalta European Strategy (YES) started. This year in the work of YES meeting participate some 200 politicians, diplomats, public figures, researchers and journalists from the EU, Russia, US and Ukraine including political figures of such magnitude as William Clinton, 42nd president of the US, Gerhard Schroeder, federal chancellor of Germany in 1998-2005, Alexander Kwasniewski, president of Poland in 1995-2005.
Number of participants of the 4th annual meeting of Yalta European Strategy organization reached a record breaking 170 persons.
The Prime Minister of Slovenia Republic, Janez Janša, says that Slovenia is willing to provide a multi-purpose support to Ukraine in order to facilitate its joining to the European Union.
June 29-30, 2007, our Internet site is to host a live Internet broadcasting of the 4th "Yalta European Strategy" Summit.
From June 28 to July 1, the 4th annual summit of Yalta European Strategy (YES) is to be held.