Special Envoy of the French President for Ukraine's Relief and Reconstruction , French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs
Pierre Heilbronn, Inspecteur General des Finances, is a graduate of SciencesPo and a former student of the École nationale d'administration (ENA – France’s National Administration School) (Copernicus class). A committed European, he was rapporteur for the Commission for the Liberation of French Growth chaired by Jacques Attali (2010), Deputy Secretary General of the Secretariat General for European Affairs (2010-2014), Deputy Director of the Cabinet of the Minister for the Economy and Finance (2014-2016), and Vice-President in charge of policies and partnerships at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (2016-2021). On 6 March 2023, he was appointed "France’s Special Envoy for Ukraine’s Relief and Reconstruction" by Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic.