Abromavičius Aivaras

Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine

Acuner Şevki

Country Director for Ukraine, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Adomanis Mark

Contributor, Forbes

Agafonova Natalia

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Petro Poroshenko Bloc); Secretary, Committee on Legal Policy

Al-Assad Ribal

Founder and Chairman, Iman Foundation LTD

Alasaniya Zurab

Director General, National Television Company of Ukraine

Albats Yevgeniya

Editor-in-Chief & CEO, The New Times

Alimardanov Rufat

Regional Manager for Ukraine and Belarus, International Finance Corporation

Allawala Kathryn

Deputy Managing Editor, Foreign Affairs

Alli Paolo

Vice President, NATO Parliamentary Assembly

Alpin Sergy

Founder, Marsall Plan for Ukraine

Andersson Kristian

Chief Executive Officer, SEB Ukraine

Andrianova Elena

Managing Director, Head of Russia & CIS, Rothschild Trust AG

Apakan Ertugrul

Head of Mission, OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine

Appathurai James

Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy, NATO

Arnaut José Luís

Member of International Advisory Board, Goldman Sachs

Aslett Anne

Executive Director, Elton John AIDS Foundation

Åslund Anders

Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council

Åslund Anna

Consultant, AAslund, LLC

Asselborn Jean

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Astrom Kristian

Journalist, Sveriges Radio

Auštrevičius Petras

MEP, Vice Chair, Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe; Committee on Foreign Affairs

Autret Florence

EU Correspondent, La Tribune

Avakov Arsen

Minister for Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Aymurzaev Saken

Journalist, Radio Echo of Moscow

Ayres Sabra

Journalist, Al Jazeera America

Babak Alyona

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Samopomich); Deputy Chairperson, Committee on Construction, Urban Development, Housing and Communal Services

Baer Daniel

Ambassador and Permanent Representative, U.S. Mission to the OSCE

Balmforth Richard

Bureau Chief, Ukraine, Reuters

Banks Hamish

Vice-President, Public Affairs & Communications for Eurasia and Africa, Coca-Cola Company

Baranyay László

Vice-President, Evaluation and Information Technologies, European Investment Bank

Barbancey Thomas

Press Attaché, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Luxembourg

Barroso José Manuel

President of the European Commission (2004-2014)

Baumgartner Andreas

Partner, Tony Blair Associates

Beck Marie-Luise

Deputy Chair, German-Ukrainian Parliamentary Friendship Group, The German Bundestag

Bekeshkina Iryna

Director, Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiative Foundation

Belotsercovsky Eliav

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel to Ukraine

Bender Yuri

Editor, FT Professional Wealth Management

Bennett Philip

First Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Bethell Kit

Senior Director, Government Relations Europe, ADM International

Bezhuashvili David

Member, Parliament of Georgia (The United National Movement – More Benefit to People); Committee On European Integration

Bezhuashvili Gela

Non-Executive Director, Georgian Industrial Group

Bielkova Olha

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Petro Poroshenko Bloc); Deputy Chairperson, Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex, Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Safety

Bil Ireneusz

Director, Amicus Europae Foundation of Aleksander Kwasniewski

Bilak Daniel A.

Managing Partner, CMS Cameron McKenna LLC

Bilan Olena

Chief Economist, Dragon Capital

Bildt Carl

Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden (2006-2014); Prime Minister of Sweden (1991-1994)

Birnbaum Michael

Moscow Correspondent, The Washington Post

Blair Tony

Prime Minister, Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1997-2007)

Bleich Yaakov Dov

Chief Rabbi of Kyiv and Ukraine; President, Union of Jewish Religious Organizations of Ukraine

Bodayev Vadym

Director, Government Affairs, SigmaBleyzer Ukraine

Bodenchuk Yuriy

Advisor to the Chairman of the Parliament of Ukraine

Bohutskyy Oleksandr

Director-President, ICTV

Bollow Ivonne Julitta

Head of Eastern Europe & International Affairs, Corporate Public Policy, METRO AG

Boni Michał

MEP, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats); Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly

Bonner Brian

Chief, Kyiv Post

Borbély László

Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Chamber of Deputies of Romania

Bornemann Ansgar

General Director (Ukraine and Moldova), Nestlé in Ukraine

Borodyanskyi Volodymyr

Director, StarLightMedia Group

Bota Alice

Head of Foreign Affairs Office, Zeit

Brink Bridget

Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, U.S. Department of State

Brinkley Robert

Chairman of Steering Committee, Chatham House Ukraine Forum

Brok Elmar

MEP, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats); Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs

Bugayova Nataliya

CEO, Kyiv Post

Bulakh Andriy

Managing Partner, Deloitte CIS and West Region

Burakovsky Ihor

Chairman of the Board, Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting

Bystrytsky Yevhen

Executive Director, International Renaissance Foundation

Canas Vitalino

Chairperson, Committee on the Civil Dimension of Security,NATO Parliamentary Assembly

Cantone Sergio

Head of the Eastern Europe office, Euronews (TV)

Chalyi Oleksandr

President, Grant Thornton Ukraine

Chan Ronnie C.

Chairman, Hang Lung Properties Ltd.

Charap Samuel

Senior Fellow for Russia and Eurasia, The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)

Chebotaryova Yulia

Executive Director, Chief Operating Officer, EastOne LLC

Chentsov Vsevolod

Director, Department of European Union, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Chepak Dariia

Media Advisor, Institute for Strategic Studies "New Ukraine"

Chernis Artyom

Managing Director UA, Caucasus & Moldova, PJSC "Philip Morris Ukraine"

Chernysh Vadym

Head, State Agency for Restoration of Donbass

Chernyshov Petr

CEO, JSC "Kyivstar"

Chervak Ihor

General Director, Ukraine and Russia, Lantmannen Axa

Chervakova Olga

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Petro Poroshenko Bloc); First Deputy Head, Committee on Free Speech and Information Policy

Chornyi Serhiy

Co-Managing Partner, Baker & McKenzie in Ukraine

Chubarov Refat

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Petro Poroshenko Bloc); Chairman, Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People

Chumak Victor

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Petro Poroshenko Bloc); Chairman, Committee on Fighting Organized Crime and Corruption

Clark David

President, Russia Foundation in London

Corazza Bildt Anna Maria

MEP, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats); Delegation to the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee

Corman Igor

Member, Parliament of the republic of Moldova; Chairman, Committee on Foreign Policy and European Integration

Czarnecki Ryszard

Vice-President, European Parliament; Vice-Chair, Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly; Delegation to the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee

Danylyuk Oleksandr

Representative of the President of Ukraine to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Daudze Argita

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Latvia to Ukraine

David Mário

Vice-President, European People's Party; Member of the European Parliament (2009-2014); Member of the Supervisory Board, Yalta European Strategy

Day Matthew

Foreign Correspondent, The Daily Telegraph

Dejevsky Mary

Columnist and Leader Writer, The Independent

Demchyshyn Volodymyr

Minister of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine

Derevyanko Anna

Executive Director, European Business Association

Derevyanko Olena

Vice-President, DCH Group; Vice-President, Ukrainian PR-League

Dometeit Gudrun

Foreign Editor, Focus Magazin

Dorman Veronika

Correspondent in Moscow, Libération

Dudnyk Andriy

First Deputy General Director on Investment Activities, EastOne Group

Dumont Isabelle

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Ukraine

Dykyi Vitalii

Editor, Radio ERA

Ebel Francesca

Associate Producer, Vice news

Ehnberg Mårten

Charge d'affaires, Embassy of Sweden in Armenia

Encke Florian

Political Affairs and Security Policy Division, NATO

Esch Christian

Moscow Correspondent, Berliner Zeitung

Eymond-Laritaz Thomas

Senior Director, APCO Worldwide

Fan Qimiao

Country Director for Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine, The World Bank

Fedorin Volodymyr

Co-Founder, Bendukidze Free Market Center

Ferencevych Yaryna N.

Deputy Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Embassy Kyiv

Fesenko Volodymyr

Head of the Board, Center for Political Studies "PENTA"

Fiala Nataliya

Senior Associate, DLA Piper

Fiala Tomáš

Chief Executive Officer, Dragon Capital

Filatov Oleksiy

Deputy Head, Administration of the President of Ukraine

Filipchuk Vasyl

Head of the Board, The International Center for Policy Studies (ICPS)

Fisher Steven

Chairman of the Board, PJSC Citibank

Fogh Rasmussen Anders

Secretary General, NATO (2009-2014);Prime Minister of Denmark (2001-2009)

Forrest Andrew

Chairman, Fortescue Metals Group

Fouks Stephane

Vice President, Havas Group; Executive Chairman, Havas Worldwide; Member of the Supervisory Board, Yalta European Strategy

Furnish David

Chairman, Elton John AIDS Foundation

Gahler Michael

MEP, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats); Committee on Foreign Affairs

Gauntlett Roger

General Manager, Coca-Cola Ukraine Limited

Gazin Gennady

Chairman of the Board of Directors, EastOne Group

Gerashchenko Iryna

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Petro Poroshenko Bloc); Chair, Committee on European Integration; Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for the Peaceful Settlement of the Situation in Donetsk and Luhansk Regions

Gerasymov Artur

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Petro Poroshenko Bloc); Deputy Chairperson, Committee on Corruption Prevention and Counteraction

Globa Bogdan

Executive Director, AUCO FULCRUM

Gnauck Gerhard

Correspondent, Die Welt

Gontareva Valeriya

Governor, National Bank of Ukraine

Gough Judith

Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Ukraine

Grant Charles

Director, Centre for European Reform

Grebenyuk Sergiy

Counsel, Egorov Ouginsky Afanasiev & Partners

Grinberg Ruslan

Director, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Grod Paul

Vice President, Ukrainian World Congress

Groysman Volodymyr

Chairman of the Parliament of Ukraine

Gryshchenko Kostyantyn

Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine (2012-2014); Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (2010-2012)

Grytsenko Anatoliy

Associate Professor, National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"

Gudziak Borys

President, Ukrainian Catholic University

Gullgren Stefan

Head of Department of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden

Gumenyuk Natalia

Head, Hromadske.tv

Guta Andriy

Founder and Vice President, Mriya Holding

Guta Olena

Partner, AIO Ventures

Hahn Johannes

Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, European Commission

Haran Oleksiy

Professor of Political Science, National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"

Harms Rebecca

MEP; Co-Chair, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance; Delegation to the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee; Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly

Hendry Charles

Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change of the United Kingdom (2010-2012)

Herbst John E.

Director, Dinu Patriciu Eurasian Center, Atlantic Council

Hofmann Frank

Correspondent Kyiv Bureau, Deutsche Welle TV

Holub Vladyslav

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Petro Poroshenko Bloc); Committee on Legal Policy and Justice

Hood Aaron

Chief Investment Officer, Minderoo Group

Horbulin Volodymyr

Director, National Institute for Strategic Studies

Hunder Andy

President, The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine

Iaroslavskiy Oleksandr

Founder and President, DCH Group

Inozemtsev Vladislav

Director, Centre for Post-Industrial Studies

Ionova Mariya

Member, Parliament of Ukraine; Deputy Chairperson, Committee on European Integration

Ischinger Wolfgang

Chairman, Munich Security Conference

Ivanov Boryslav

Chief Executive Officer, Deutsche Bank Ukraine

Jacobs Luc

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belgium to Ukraine

Janukonis Marius

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Lithuania to Ukraine

Jaresko Natalie

Minister of Finance of Ukraine

Jeglinski Nina

Correspondent, Tagesspiegel

Jones Stephen

Senior Advisor, Global Resources Partnership

Juodka Benediktas

Member, Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania; Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs

Kachka Taras

Commissioner for Enterprise under the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Kalnysh Valery

Editor, Radio Vesti

Kannike Sulev

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Estonia to Ukraine

Karatnycky Adrian

Senior Fellow, The Atlantic Council of the United States

Karazy Sergei

TV Producer, Reuters

Karmanau Yuras

Journalist, Associated Press

Karmazyn Adrian

Chief Ukrainian Service, Voice of America

Katser-Buchkovska Nataliya

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (People's Front); Chairperson, Subcommittee on Sustainable Development, Strategy and Investments of the Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex, Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Safety

Kellermann Florian

Correspondent, Deutschlandradio

Kendall Bridget

Journalist, BBC

Khrushch Roman

Director Corporate Affairs, PJSC "Philip Morris Ukraine"

Khvesyuk Rushan

CEO, Alfa-Bank Ukraine

Kiselev Evgeny

Journalist, Political Analyst

Klepatsky Anatoliy

Chief Executive Officer, Altius

Klimkin Pavlo

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Klitschko Vitali

Mayor of Kyiv

Klympush-Tsintsadze Ivanna

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Petro Poroshenko Bloc); First Deputy Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee; Head, Delegation to NATO Parliamentary Assembly

Kobolyev Andriy

Chief Executive Officer, NaftoGaz of Ukraine

Kogut Ihor

Chairman of the Board, Agency for Legislative Initiatives

Kogut Oleksandr

Corporate Affairs Director, JT International Company Ukraine

Koliushko Ihor

Chairman of the Management Board, Center for Political and Legal Reforms

Kolyandr Alexander

Economist, Credit Suisse Bank

Kondratyuk Olena

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Batkivshchyna); Secretary, Committee on Freedom of Speech and Information Policy

Konoplyov Sergei

Director, Eurasia Security Program, Harvard Kennedy School

Koshkina Sonya

Editor-in-Chief, LB.ua

Koshovyy Dmytro

Editor, Interfax-Ukraine

Koszarny Lenna

Founding Partner and Chief Executive Officer, Horizon Capital

Kovalchuk Vitaliy

First Deputy Head, Administration of the President of Ukraine

Kowal Pawel Robert

Founder, FEDE; Assistant Professor, Institute of Political Studies at the Polish Academy of Sciences; Member of the European Parliament (2009-2014); Chair of the Delegation of the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Cooperation Committee (2009-2014)

Kozlenko Svitlana

Producer, Associated Press, Kiev Bureau

Krasnolutska Daryna

Head of Bureau in Ukraine, Bloomberg News

Krasnyansky Borys

Chief Executive Officer, Group DF

Krulko Ivan

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Batkivshchyna); Chairperson, Subcommittee on State Financial Control and Activities of the Counting Chamber, Committee on Budget

Kryl Andriy

Head of Corporate Affairs, British American Tobacco Ukraine

Kubilius Andrius

Leader of Opposition, Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania

Kuchma Leonid

President of Ukraine (1994-2005)

Kulakovska Oksana

Executive Director, Yalta European Strategy

Kurochka Gennadiy

Managing Partner of CFC Consulting; Exclusive Representative of CNN in Ukraine; Board Member of Ukraine Crisis Media Center; Advisor to the Head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine

Kuryata Nina

Editor, ВВС Ukraine

Kuznetsova Inna

Editor-in-Chief, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

Kwaśniewski Aleksander

President of the Republic of Poland (1995-2005); Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Yalta European Strategy

Laffer Arthur

Founder and Chairman, Laffer Associates and Laffer Investments

Lansky Gabriel

Attorney-at-Law, Partner, Lansky, Ganzger & Partner

Lappo Olga

Press-secretary to Prime Minister of Ukraine

Larin Serhiy

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Opposition Bloc); Committee on Foreign Affairs

Lauren Anna-Lena

Moscow Correspondent, Svenska Dagbladet

Lellouche Pierre

Member, Upper Parliament of France; Foreign Affairs Committee

Leshchenko Serhiy

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Petro Poroshenko Bloc); Chairperson, Subcommittee on International Cooperation and Implementation of Anti-Corruption Legislation, Committee on Corruption Prevention and Counteraction

Leterme Yves

Secretary - General, International IDEA

Lévy Bernard-Henri

Philosopher and Writer; Director, La Règle Du Jeu

Linder Dagmar

Managing Director, Deutsche Bank AG

Lindner Rainer

Executive Director, Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations, BDI

Liski Ihor

Head of the Board of Directors, Effective Investments Company

Litvinenko Yulia

General Producer, Radio Vesti

Litwin Henryk

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to Ukraine

Lloyd John

Senior Researcher, Reuters Institute; Contributing Editor, Financial Times

Logvin Dmytro

Executive Director, PinchukArtCentre

Lord Oxford

MP, House of Lords (Liberal Democrats); EU External Affairs Sub-Committee, Parliament of the UK

Lord Risby

MP, House of Lords (Conservatives); EU External Affairs Sub-Committee, Parliament of the UK; Chairman, British Ukrainian Society

Luet Marc

Country Officer, Russia; Division Head, CEE, ZAO Citibank, Moscow

Lukanov Oleksandr

President, Alfa-Bank Ukraine

Lukatsky Efrem

Deputy Head of Bureau in Ukraine, Associated Press, Kiev Bureau

Lutsenko Yuriy

Member, Parliament of Ukraine; Chairperson, Petro Poroshenko Bloc Faction; Committee on Legislative Support of Law Enforcement

Lutsevych Orysia

Manager, Chatham House Ukraine Forum

Lyovochkin Sergiy

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Opposition Bloc); Committee on National Security and Defence

Lytvynenko Oleksandr

Deputy Secretary, National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

Maçães Bruno

Secretary of State for European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Portugal

MacFarquhar Neil

Head of Moscow Office, The New York Times

Makarov Oleh

Partner, Vasil Kisil & Partners

Makeiev Oleksii

Director, Policy and Communications Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Makeyeva Olena

Deputy Minister of Finance of Ukraine

Malige Francis

Managing Director for Eastern Europe and Caucasus, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Malinskaya Elena

CEO, PJSC “Bank Credit Dnepr”

Markarova Oksana

Deputy Minister of Finance of Ukraine - Head of the Office

Marson James

Deputy Moscow Bureau Chief, The Wall Street Journal- Dow Jones Newswires

Martynenko Oleksandr

Director, Interfax-Ukraine

Marushevska Yulia

Deputy Governor, Odesa Regional State Administration

Massoud Georges

Managing Principal, McKinsey & Company, Inc

Mazepa Ihor

Chief Executive Officer, Concorde Capital

McBain Alastair David

Managing Director, Arawak Energy

McChrystal Stanley

(US Army, Retired), Commander, ISAF (2009-2010); Commander, USFOR-A (2009-2010); Co-Founder, McChrystal Group

Meister Stefan

Head of the Program for Eastern Europe, Russia, Central Asia, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)

Melia Thomas O.

Executive Director, Democracy International; Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, US Department of State

Melnyk Oleksiy

Co-Director, Foreign Relations and International Security Programmes, Razumkov Centre

Melnyk Yaroslav

Head of Main Department of State Protocol and Ceremonies, Administration of the President of Ukraine

Mendoza-Wilson Jock

Director of International and Investor Relations, System Capital Management

Mendras Marie

Research Fellow, CNRS, Sciences PO

Mendus Yaroslav

Political Advisor to Vice-President of the European Parliament Ioan Mircea Pașcu

Mihkelson Marko

Member, Parliament of the Republic of Estonia; Chairman, National Defence Committee

Mikloš Ivan

Member, National Council of the Slovak Republic; Minister of Finance of the Slovak Republic (2002-2006, 2010-2012)

Mikulitskaya Anna

Global Subsidiaries Group Head, Deputy Chairman of the Board, PJSC Citibank

Miller James

Managing Editor, Intrepreter Magazine

Miller Judith

Adjunct Fellow at the Manhattan Institute; Commentator, Fox News

Mills Laura

Correspondent, The Wall Street Journal

Mitiukov Ihor

Senior Advisor, Morgan Stanley


Mizsei Kálmán

Head, European Union Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform (EUAM)


Morar Filon

Chief, Department of Political Affairs, UN Office in Ukraine

Moshes Arkadiy

Director of the Programme "Russia - EU", Finnish Institute of International Affairs

Mostova Yuliya

Editor-in-Chief, Dzerkalo Tyzhnya, Ukraine

Mousset Pierre

Assistant European Correspondent, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Movchan Serhiy

Director on Government Relations, Danone Ukraine

Moyseyenkova Yana

Chief, Focus

Musaieva Sevgil

Editor-in-Chief, Ukrayinska Pravda

Mykolska Nataliya

Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine

Nadav Tamir

Political Advisor to the Ninth President of Israel Shimon Peres

Narbut Oleksandr

President, Kyiv Energy Research Institute

Nayyem Mustafa

Member, Parliament of Ukraine; Deputy Head of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc Faction

Nefedov Maxim

Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine

Nemyliwska Natalia

Director, NATO Information and Documentation Center


Nemyrya Hryhoriy

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Batkivshchyna); Chairperson, Committee on Human Rights, National Minorities and International Relations


Nemyrya Ludmyla

General Producer, Ukrainian Internet TV UKRLIFE.TV

Nikolaienko Andrii

Head of the Board, VELTA LLC

Nikonov Ihor

First Deputy Head, Kyiv City State Administration

Novak Inna

Managing Partner, Grant Thornton Ukraine

Novynskyy Vadym

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Opposition Bloc); Chairperson, Subcommittee on Charity and Financing Culture, Committee on Culture and Spirituality

Nuland Victoria

Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, U.S. Department of State

O'Brien Dan

Columnist and Economist, Independent Newspapers

Olchawa Maciej

Founder, Carlos Roloff Institute

Olearchyk Roman

Kyiv Correspondent, Financial Times

Oliinyk Alla

Managing Partner, Borsch Ventures

Oprisor Ion

National Security Advisor to the President of Romania

Osman Mohamed

Grants Director, Elton John AIDS Foundation

Ostrauskaite Rasa

Deputy Director for Policy Support Service, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

Ostrovsky Arkady

Moscow Bureau Chief, The Economist

Ostrovsky Simon

American Correspondent, Vice news

Paet Urmas

MEP, Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe; Member, Committee on Budgets

Pancevski Bojan

EU Correspondent, The Sunday Times

Panchenko Yurii

Editor, European Pravda

Parfitt Tom

Moscow Correspondent, The Times

Partskhaladze Lev

First Deputy Chairman, Kyiv State Regional Administration

Pascual Carlos

Senior Vice President, IHS; Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs, U.S. Department of State (2011-2014)

Pashkov Mykhailo

Co-Director, Foreign Relations and International Security Programmes, Razumkov Centre

Paskhaver Oleksandr

President, The Centre for Economic Development

Patrikarakos David

Freelancer, POLITICO

Pavlenko Oleksiy

Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

Pavlenko Rostyslav

Deputy Head, Administration of the President of Ukraine

Pegorier Philippe

General Director, Alstom Russia

Pekar Valeriy

Co-Founder, "New Country" Civic Platform

Peres Shimon

The Ninth President of the State of Israel

Persson-Löfgren Maria

Correspondent (Moscow), Swedish National Radio

Petraeus David H.

US Army, Retired; Chairman, KKR Global Institute, KKR & Co. L.P.; Director, Central Intelligence Agency (2011 –2012)

Pidluska Inna

Deputy Executive Director, International Renaissance Foundation

Pifer Steven

Senior Fellow, Center on the United States and Europe; Director, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Initiative, The Brookings Institution

Pinchuk Olena

Founder and Chairwoman, Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation; Head of Supervisory Board, StarLight Media

Pinchuk Victor

Founder and Member of the Supervisory Board, Yalta European Strategy; Founder, Victor Pinchuk Foundation and EastOne Group Ltd.

Plenković Andrej

MEP, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats); Vice-Chair, Committee on Foreign Affairs; Chair, Delegation to the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee

Pochkun Oleksandr

Managing Partner, Baker Tilly Ukraine LLP

Pogozheva Natalia

Advisor to the Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine

Polityuk Pavel

Journalist, Reuters

Poltorak Stepan

Minister of Defence of Ukraine

Pomeranz William

Deputy Director, Kennan Institute

Pomeranzev Peter

Senior Fellow to the Transitions Forum, Legatum Institute

Popovych Nataliya

Co-Founder and Board Member, Ukrainian Crisis Media Center

Poppeller Hermine

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Austria to Ukraine

Poroshenko Petro

President of Ukraine

Portnikov Vitaly

Anchorman, Espreso TV

Povazhnuk Sergiy

Deputy Director, SE Ukrainian Industry Expertise

Pozharskyi Vadym

Advisor to the Board, Burisma Holdings

Pranchère-Tomassini Michèle

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Grand Duchy Luxembourg to Ukraine

Prodan Oksana

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Petro Poroshenko Bloc); Committee on Tax and Customs Policy

Prystaiko Vadym

Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Prytula Olena

Founding Editor, Ukrayinska Pravda

Prytula Volodymyr

Director, Crimean Branch, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

Ptashnyk Viktoria

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Samopomich); Committee on Economic Policy

Puhl Jan

Foreigh Editor, Spiegel

Pushnya Valery

Managing Director, Credit Suisse Bank

Pyatt Geoffrey R.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Ukraine

Pysaruk Oleksandr

First Deputy Governor, National Bank of Ukraine

Pyshnyy Andriy

Chairman of the Board of Directors, PJSC “State Savings Bank of Ukraine”

Pyvovarsky Andriy

Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine

Rachman Gideon

Chief Foreign Affairs Columnist, The Financial Times

Rahr Alexander

Scientific Director, German-Russian Forum; Advisor to the President, Russian-German Chamber of Commerce; Deputy Chairman, Association of Russian Economy in Germany; Member of the Supervisory Board, Yalta European Strategy

Rapoza Ken

Reporter, BRIC Region, Forbes

Rashkovan Vladyslav

Deputy Governor, National Bank of Ukraine

Rasmussen Simon Kruse

Correspondent, Berlingske Media


Rizanenko Pavlo

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Petro Poroshenko Bloc); Chairperson, Subcommittee on Securities, Stock Market, Activity of Rating Agencies and E-commerce, Committee on Financial Policy and Banking


Rockett Jason

Director of Research, Greenmantle

Romanenko Yuriy

Editor-in-Chief, Hvylya

Röpcke Julian

Correspondent, BILD.de

Rozenko Pavlo

Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine

Rubinski Kirill

CEO, EastOne Group

Rubis Iryna

CEO, Economika Communication Hub

Rudneva Olha

Executive Director, Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation

Rutytska Vladyslava

Deputy Minister on European Integration, Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

Ryabchuk Mykola

President, Ukrainian PEN Centre

Ryabchyn Oleksiy

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Batkivshchyna); Chairperson, Subcommittee on Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency, Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex, Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Safety

Rybachuk Oleh

Head, NGO "Centre UA"

Saakashvili Mikheil

Head, Odessa Regional State Administration

Sackur Stephen

Presenter, HARDtalk, BBC World News

Sadovyy Andriy

Mayor of Lviv; Head of the Political Party "Samopomich"

Saienko Oleksandr

Head, Office of Chairman of the Parliament of Ukraine

Sajdik Martin

Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office in Ukraine and in the Trilateral Contact Group, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Sakvarelidze Davit

Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine

Saltiel Jean-Pierre

President, Rothschild Conseil International (1998-2004); Member of the Supervisory Board, Yalta European Strategy

Salvetti Giovanni

Managing Director, Rothschild & Cie

Savelkouls Huub

Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Philip Morris International Management SA

Sawiris Naguib

Chairman, Weather Investments II Executive Chairman, Orascom Telecom Media and Technology Holding; Founder, Orascom Telecom Holding S.A.E.; Chairman, La Mancha Inc.; Non-Executive Chairman, Accelero Capital

Sazonov Alex

Reporter, Bloomberg Moscow

Scheuer Jean-Paul

General Manager, Sanofi

Schneider Eckhard

General Director, PinchukArtCentre

Schoen Esq. Douglas E.

Founder, Douglas E. Schoen LLC

Schoenenberger Christian

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Switzerland to Ukraine

Schrooten Stijn

Senior Policy Support Officer, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Schuebel Dirk

Head of Division Eastern Partnership, European External Action Service

Schuller Konrad

Correspondent, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Schumacher Martin

Managing Director, METRO Cash & Carry Ukraine

Schüssel Wolfgang

Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria (2000-2007)

Schuwirth Rainer

Retired, Chief of Staff, SHAPE (2004-2007)

Seddon Max

Foreign Affairs Reporter, Buzzfeed

Semerak Ostap

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (People's Front); First Deputy Chairperson, Committee on European Integration

Sengupta Kim

Defence and Diplomatic Correspondent, The Independent

Senik Dmytro

Chief of Staff to the Foreign Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Shabunin Vitaliy

Chairman of the Board, Anticorruption Action Centre

Shample Julie

Chief of Staff to Lawrence H. Summers, Harvard University

Shcherbyna Serhii

Director, Insider

Sheremet Pavel

Observer, Ukrayinska Pravda

Sheremeta Pavlo

Founding Director, School of Public Management, Ukrainian Catholic University

Shevalev Artem

Deputy Minister of Finance of Ukraine

Shevchenko Andriy

Director, USAID RADA Program

Shkrum Alyona

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Batkivshchyna); Chairperson, Subcommittee on State Service and Service in the Bodies of Local Self-Government, Committee on State Building, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government

Shlinchak Victor

Head of the Supervisory Board, Institute of World Policy

Shpek Roman

Senior Advisor, Alfa-Bank Ukraine

Shvets Oleksandr

Chief, Facts and Comments

Shymkiv Dmytro

Deputy Head, Administration of the President of Ukraine

Sikorski Radoslaw

Member, Parliament of the Republic of Poland; Speaker, Sejm of the Republic of Poland (2014-2015); Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland (2007-2014)

Sir Elton John

Founder, Elton John AIDS Foundation

Sir Gerald Howarth

MP, House of Commons (Conservatives); Chairman, All-Party Group on Ukraine, Parliament of the UK

Siváček Juraj

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Republic to Ukraine

Siwiec Marek

Chairman, Europa Plus Association; Vice-President of the European Parliament (2007-2009); Member of the Supervisory Board, Yalta European Strategy

Slipchuk Alexander

Executive Director, Ukrproduct Group Ltd

Smeshko Igor

Advisor to the President of Ukraine, Administration of the President of Ukraine

Sneider Noah

Russia and Ukraine Correspondent, The Economist

Snyder Tymothy

Bird White Housum Professor of History, Yale University

Sokolenko Natalia

Presenter, Hromadske Radio

Sokolova Oksana

Head, ICTV Channel


Solana Javier

President, ESADE Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics; Member of the Supervisory Board, Yalta European Strategy


Solovyova Olena

Editor-in-Chief, ICTV Channel

Sonne Paul

Moscow Correspondent, The Wall Street Journal

Spektor Mykhaylo

President, VS Energy International Ukraine

Stavnitser Andrey

CEO, TIS Group of Terminals

Stefka Slavova

International Strategic Advisor, Strategic Advisory Secretariat, Open Society Foundation

Stent Angela

Professor, Director of Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies, Georgetown University

Stern David

Kyiv Correspondent, ВВС World

Stones Adrian

Director of Operations, ALACO


Strauss-Kahn Dominique

Managing Partner, Parnasse International; Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (2007-2011)


Strezovic-Milanovic Aleksandra

Managing Director, Rothschild Bank AG

Sturen Carl

Co-Founder and President, CJSC Chumak

Sumi Shigeki

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Ukraine

Summers Lawrence H.

President Emeritus and the Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard University

Sushko Oleksandr

Research Director, Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation

Svinhufvud Fredrik

Chairman, Vindkraft Ukraina LLC

Sych Vitaly

Chief, Novoe Vremya Magazine

Sydorenko Sergiy

Editor, European Pravda

Syroid Oksana

Deputy Chairperson, Parliament of Ukraine

Sytnik Artem

Director, National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine

Talbott Strobe

President, Brookings Institution; Chair, Foreign Affairs Policy Board, U.S. Department of State

Tarasyuk Borys

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Batkivshchyna); Deputy Chairperson, Committee on Foreign Affairs

Taruta Serhiy

Member, Parliament of Ukraine; Chairperson, Subcommittee on Conservation of Historical-Cultural Heritage of the Committee on Culture and Spirituality; Head, Donetsk Regional State Administration (2014)

Taylor Ian R

President and CEO, Vitol

Tezel Yonet Can

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey to Ukraine

Tiley Graham

General Manager and Country Chair, Shell Ukraine

Timchenko Maxim

Chief Executive Officer, DTEK LLC.

Tombiński Jan

Ambassador, Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine

Toms Bate C.

Managing Partner, B.C. TOMS & Co

Trappett Douglas Robert

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Australia to Ukraine

Tribushnaya Elena

Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Novoe Vremya Magazine

Tseholko Sviatoslav

Press Secretary, Administration of the President of Ukraine

Tsukanova Anna

Head of Bureau in Ukraine, Agence France Press (TV)

Tymkiv Oleh

Managing Partner, PriceWaterhouseCoopers Ukraine

Tymoshenko Yevheniia

President, Association of International and National Public Organizations “Social Protection”

Tymoshenko Yulia

Member, Parliament of Ukraine; Head, All Ukrainian Union “Batkivshchyna” Party; Committee on European Integration

Umland Andreas

Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation

Utkin Yevhen

Chairman and President, KM Core

Vacher Jérôme

Resident Representative in Ukraine, International Monetary Fund

Vaidere Inese

MEP, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats); Member, Committee on Budgets, European Parliament

Vajgl Ivo

MEP, Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe; Member, Committee on Foreign Affairs, European Parliament

Vasylieva Nadiia

General Manager, Microsoft Ukraine

Veklitch Victor

General Manager, JT International Company Ukraine

Venzhyk Kateryna

Editor-in-Chief, Delo.ua

Vernon Will

Producer, BBC

Viatrovych Volodymyr

Head, Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance

Vidošević Tomislav

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Croatia to Ukraine

Vīķe-Freiberga Vaira

President of the Republic of Latvia (1999-2007)

Vilkul Oleksandr

Member, Parliament of Ukraine; Deputy Head, Opposition Bloc Faction; Committee on European Integration

Vitkine Benoît

Journalist, Le Monde

Vitrenko Yuriy

Managing Director, International Business, NJSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine"

Vlasiuk Volodymyr

Director, SE Ukrainian Industry Expertise

Vlasov Dmitry

Producer, Associated Press, Kiev Bureau

Voloshyna Olena

Head of Operation in Ukraine, International Finance Corporation (IFC)

Von Beckerath Andreas

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sweden to Ukraine

von Eggert Konstantin

Commentator and Host, Kommersant, FM Radio (Moscow)

Voronov Alex

Political Editor, Eskilstuna-Kuriren

Voytsitska Viktoriya

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Samopomich); Secretary, Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex, Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Safety

Wagner Peter

Deputy Director, Support Group for Ukraine, European Commission

Walker Shaun

Moscow Correspondent, The Guardian

Waschuk Roman

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to Ukraine

Wehrschuetz Christian

Chef Correspondent, ORF (TV)

Weihe Thomas

Head of the Board, Victor Pinchuk Foundation

Weil Christof

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to Ukraine

Wellmann Karl-Georg

MP, CDU/CSU Faction; Chair, German-Ukrainian Parliamentary Group, German Bundestag

Wells Emma

Senior Producer, BBC Moscow

Wilczak Jagienka

Correspondent, Polityka

Wilson Andrew

Senior Policy Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations

Wolfe Justin

Business Lead Ukraine, Russia & Belarus, Monsanto Ukraine

Wylly Jamie

General Manager, National Security, Microsoft Corporation

Yankovskyy Ihor

Head of the Supervisory Board, Diamond Sphere Group

Yatsenyuk Arseniy

Prime Minister of Ukraine

Yatsenyuk Tereziya

Head of the Supervisory Board, Open Ukraine Foundation

Yelisyeyev Kostiantyn

Deputy Head, Administration of the President of Ukraine

Yemets Leonid

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (People's Front); First Deputy Chairperson, Committee on Legal Policy and Justice

Yurgens Igor

Chairman of the Management Board, Institute of Contemporary Development

Zabuzhko Oksana


Zalishchuk Svitlana

Member, Parliament of Ukraine (Petro Poroshenko Bloc); Chairperson, Subcommittee on Euro-Atlantic Cooperation and Euro-integration, Committee on Foreign Affairs

Zannier Lamberto

Secretary General, OSCE

Zatsepin Anton

Head of Representative Office in Ukraine, Xinwei Group

Zerkal Olena

Deputy Minister for European Integration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Zguladze-Glucksmann Ekaterine

First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Zhovkva Igor

Head of Directorate General for Foreign Policy and European Integration, Administration of the President of Ukraine

Zhulynska Olesya

Public Affairs and Communications Director, The Coca-Cola Ukraine Limited

Zingeris Emanuelis

Member, Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania; Deputy Chair, Committee on European Affairs

Zubko Gennadii

Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister for Regional Development, Building and Housing of Ukraine

Victor Pinchuk
Victor Pinchuk
Founder, YES, Victor Pinchuk Foundation, EastOne Group, 14th YES Annual Meeting, 2017
«In the closing speech at the end of our conference let’s establish our tradition to say «next year in Yalta.»»