Alfa-Bank (Ukraine) is a fully fledged commercial bank, member of Alfa Group international consortium. The bank takes lead within all segments of Ukraine’s bank market. As a member of Alfa Group, Alfa-Bank (Ukraine) takes advantage of the group’s abundant financial expertise, driving the synergy of inside-out knowledge of both Ukrainian bank market and internationally accepted business practices, which is its core competitive advantage. Equity injections, pursued by the Bank’s shareholders on a regular basis, are the guarantee of the Bank’s continued development.
Financial accounts of Alfa-Bank (Ukraine) are prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards and are audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers. The Bank is rated by two international rating agencies, Standard & Poor's and Fitch.
President of Estonia , 15th YES Annual Meeting, 2018
«I think that new technologies will make the situation easier for countries that have problems with inequality in their school system… Technology allows you to teach regardless of where children live or how much their parents earn. Everyone has the right to quality education.»