“Korrespondent” is a weekly news magazine that holds leadership in adherence to journalistic standards in Ukraine (according to the Institute of Mass Information). “Korrespondent” is created according to internationally accepted standards of journalism and editorial policy – full division between editorial office and advertising department, adherence to code of ethics. Publication goal is to represent society in dialogue with power and not to make any concessions if it is against principles of editorial staff. In “Korrespondent” readers find out about the most important events of last week locally and globally, they get objective and varied information on politics, business, culture and science. Its circulation is 50 000 copies. The magazine was launched in 2002.
Ambassador to Ukraine (2009-2013), 15th YES Annual Meeting, 2018
«Russia still has to become a modern nation. It still hasn’t made the fundamental decisions to determine whether it’s going to be a part of the international community or whether it’s going to try to be an imperial power and attack its neighbors, and take their land.»