Valdis Dombrovskis is the Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of the Euro and Social Dialogue, Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union.
Before becoming Vice-President, Mr. Vice-President has served three consecutive terms as Prime Minister of Latvia, becoming the longest serving elected head of government in Latvia’s history. Valdis Dombrovskis was elected for the second time as a Member of the European Parliament (first, 2004-2009) and Head of Latvian Delegation in the EPP Group.
He served as a Member of the Saeima (Parliament) of Latvia (03.2004-06.2004; 01.2014-06.2014) and was Latvia’s Minister of Finance from 2002 to 2004.
Valdis Dombrovskis was born on 5 August 1971 in Riga, Latvia. He graduated with a degree in physics from the University of Latvia (1993) and economics from Riga University of Technology (1995). He received his master’s degree in physics in 1995 from the University of Latvia. In 1995 -1998, he worked as a research assistant at the Mainz University, Germany, the Institute of Solid-State Physics, Latvia and the University of Maryland (USA).
Prior to joining politics, he worked as a senior economist and chief economist at the Bank of Latvia (1998-2002). He is a co-author of book with Anders Åslund “How Latvia came through the financial crisis” which was published in 2011.
In November 2014, Valdis Dombrovskis was awarded by the Order of the Three Stars (Triju Zvaigžņu ordenis), the highest State Decoration of the Republic of Latvia.

Kurt Volker
Former U.S. State Department Special Representative for Ukraine, YES Annual Meeting, 2023
«Ukraine is engaged in an existential struggle against an imperialist power»