Meeting of the Board of Yalta European Strategy with the leadership of Ukraine and political leaders

Meeting of the Board of Yalta European Strategy with the leadership of Ukraine and political leaders
Viktor Yanukovych and Aleksander Kwasniewski
Meeting of the Board of Yalta European Strategy with the leadership of Ukraine and political leaders
Marek Siwiec,Victor Pinchuk, Viktor Yanukovych, Aleksander Kwasniewski, Jean-Pierre Saltiel, Aleksander Rahr
Meeting of the Board of Yalta European Strategy with the leadership of Ukraine and political leaders
Viktor Yanukovych, Marek Siwiec, Aleksander Kwasniewski, Jean-Pierre Saltiel, Aleksander Rahr
Meeting of the Board of Yalta European Strategy with the leadership of Ukraine and political leaders
Marek Siwiec,Victor Pinchuk, Viktor Yanukovych, Aleksander Kwasniewski, Jean-Pierre Saltiel, Aleksander Rahr
Meeting of the Board of Yalta European Strategy with the leadership of Ukraine and political leaders
Participants of the meeting
Meeting of the Board of Yalta European Strategy with the leadership of Ukraine and political leaders
Participants of the meeting
Meeting of the Board of Yalta European Strategy with the leadership of Ukraine and political leaders
Participants of the meeting
Meeting of the Board of Yalta European Strategy with the leadership of Ukraine and political leaders
Participants of the meeting
Meeting of the Board of Yalta European Strategy with the leadership of Ukraine and political leaders
Participants of the meeting
Meeting of the Board of Yalta European Strategy with the leadership of Ukraine and political leaders
Participants of the meeting
Meeting of the Board of Yalta European Strategy with the leadership of Ukraine and political leaders
Kersti Kaljulaid
Kersti Kaljulaid
President of Estonia , 15th YES Annual Meeting, 2018
«I think that new technologies will make the situation easier for countries that have problems with inequality in their school system… Technology allows you to teach regardless of where children live or how much their parents earn. Everyone has the right to quality education.»