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Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of Poland, Aleksander Kwasniewski, Chairman of the Board of YES and Victor Pinchuk, Founder and Member of the Board of YES
Aleksander Kwasniewski, Victor Pinchuk and Marek Siwiec
Marek Siwiec, Aleksander Kwasniewski, Donald Tusk, Victor Pinchuk and Mario David
Marek Siwiec, Aleksander Kwasniewski, Donald Tusk, Victor Pinchuk, Mario David and Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze
Mario David, Member of the Board of YES, and Aleksander Kwasniewski, Chairman of the Board of YES
Leonid Kozhara, Valeriy Chalyi, Pavlo Klimkin and Marek Siwiec
Visit of the Board of Yalta European Strategy (YES) to Warsaw
Visit of the Board of Yalta European Strategy (YES) to Warsaw
Aleksander Kwasniewski, Chairman of the Board of YES
Timothy Garton Ash, Professor at Oxford University
Richard Branson
Founder and Chairman, Virgin Group, 9th YES Annual Meeting, 2012
«The problem of capitalism is that it does result in the extreme wealth of a few people. If those people are benevolent people, they’ll use that wealth constructively; they’ll reinvest it and do great things»