Aleksander Kwasniewski President of the Repulic of Poland (1995-2005)
Phillipe Cayla and Aleksander Kwasniewski
Aleksander Kwasniewski and Stefan F?le
Hans-J?rgen Heimsoeth, Orysya Lutsevich and Stefan F?le
Jean-Piere Plancade, Jaques Faure, Victor Pinchuk
Mario David, Thomas Eymond-Laritaz, Elena Pinchuk
center: Stefan F?le, right: Jaques Faure
Mario David, Jean-Pierre Saltiel, Tav Morgan, Gennadiy Gazin
Vira Nanivska, Anders Aslund, Alexander Rah
Arseniy Yatseniuk and Natalia Korolevskaya
Mario David, Victor Pinchuk, Stefan F?le
Alexander Rahr, Arseniy Yatseniuk, Leigh Turner
Nina Eglinski and Hans-J?rgen Heimsoeth
Hryhory Nemyria and Stefan F?le
Chrystia Freeland Global Editor-at-Large Reuters News with son
Muhammad Yunus
Nobel Peace Prize Winner, 2006; Founder, Grameen Bank; Chairman, Yunus Centre , 9th YES Annual Meeting, 2012
«Poverty is not created by the poor. Poverty is externally imposed on them. Poverty is created by the system that we built…Poverty should be in a museum, not in human society»