Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4

Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Aleksander Kwasniewski, President of Poland (1995-2005); Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Yalta European Strategy and Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Roman Shpek, senior adviser of PJSC "Alfa-Bank" Ukraine (Kyiv), a member of the National Bank of Ukraine and Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission (2004-2014)
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Stefka Slavova, International Strategic Advisor, Strategic Advisory Secretariat, Open Society Foundation
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Bate Toms, C. Managing Partner, B.C. TOMS & Co
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Leonid Kuchma, President of Ukraine (1994-2005), Elena Pinchuk, Founder of Elena Pinchuk Foundation "AntiAIDS"
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Arsen Avakov, Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Ekaterine Zguladze-Glucksmann, First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Dmytro Shymkiv, Deputy Head, Administration of the President of Ukraine (right)
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Ivan Miklos, Member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic; Minister of Finance of the Slovak Republic (2002-2006, 2010-2012)
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Aivaras Abromavicius, Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Andriy Pyvovarsky, Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Valeriya Gontareva, Anders Aslund
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Aivaras Abromavicius, Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Andriy Pyvovarsky, Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Oleksiy Pavlenko, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Participants of discussion "The Reform Team - What They Have and Have Not Achieved and Why?"
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Participants of discussion "The Reform Team - What They Have and Have Not Achieved and Why?"
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Valeriya Gontareva, Governor, National Bank of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Participants of discussion "The Reform Team - What They Have and Have Not Achieved and Why?"
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Aivaras Abromaviсius, Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Valeriya Gontareva, Governor, National Bank of Ukraine
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Oleksiy Pavlenko, Ivan Miklos, Stephen Sackur
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Anders Aslund, Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
David Furnish, Chief of Board Elton John AIDS Foundation Olena Pinchuk, Founder of Elena Pinchuk Foundation "AntiAIDS", Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, U.S. Department of State
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
David Furnish, Chief of Board Elton John AIDS Foundation Olena Pinchuk, Founder of Elena Pinchuk Foundation "AntiAIDS"
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Sir Elton John, Founder, Elton John AIDS Foundation
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Elena Pinchuk, Founder of Elena Pinchuk Foundation "AntiAIDS", Carlos Pascual, Senior Vice President, IHS; Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs, U.S. Department of State (2011-2014)
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Victor Pinchuk, Founder and Member of the Supervisory Board, Yalta European Strategy; Founder, Victor Pinchuk Foundation and EastOne Group Ltd.
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Sir Elton John, Founder, Elton John AIDS Foundation
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Sir Elton John, Founder, Elton John AIDS Foundation, Victor Pinchuk, Founder and Member of the Supervisory Board, Yalta European Strategy; Founder, Victor Pinchuk Foundation and EastOne Group Ltd.
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Sir Elton John, Founder, Elton John AIDS Foundation
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Sir Elton John, Victor Pinchuk, John Andrew Henry Forrest
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Sir Elton John, Founder, Elton John AIDS Foundation, Victor Pinchuk, Founder and Member of the Supervisory Board, Yalta European Strategy; Founder, Victor Pinchuk Foundation and EastOne Group Ltd.
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Sir Elton John, Founder, Elton John AIDS Foundation, Victor Pinchuk, Founder and Member of the Supervisory Board, Yalta European Strategy; Founder, Victor Pinchuk Foundation and EastOne Group Ltd.
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Sir Elton John, Founder, Elton John AIDS Foundation
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Sir Elton John, Founder, Elton John AIDS Foundation
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Sir Elton John, Founder, Elton John AIDS Foundation
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Victor Pinchuk, Founder and Member of the Supervisory Board, YES; Founder, Victor Pinchuk Foundation and EastOne Group Ltd. and John Andrew Henry Forrest, Chairman, Fortescue Metals Group
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Victor Pinchuk, Founder and Member of the Supervisory Board, YES; Founder, Victor Pinchuk Foundation and EastOne Group Ltd. and John Andrew Henry Forrest, Chairman, Fortescue Metals Group
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
John Andrew Henry Forrest, Chairman, Fortescue Metals Group
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
David Furnish, Olena Pinchuk, Sir Elton John, Victor Pinchuk
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Lamberto Zannier, Secretary General, OSCE and Leonid Kuchma, President of Ukraine (1994-2005)
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, U.S. Department of State
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Leonid Kuchma, President of Ukraine (1994-2005)
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Victoria Nuland, Jose Manuel Barroso
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission (2004-2014)
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Gen. David H. Petraeus (US Army, Retired), Chairman, KKR Global Institute, KKR & Co. L.P.; Director, CIA (2011 –2012)
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Refat Chubarov, Member of the Parliament of Ukraine; Chairman, Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Elena Pinchuk, Leonid Kuchma, Gen. David H. Petraeus (US Army, Retired), Victor Pinchuk
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Gen. Stanley McChrystal (US Army, Retired), Commander, ISAF (2009-2010); Commander, USFOR-A (2009-2010); Co-Founder, McChrystal Group
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Stephen Sackur, Gen. David H. Petraeus (US Army, Retired), Victoria Nuland
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Lamberto Zannier, Secretary General, OSCE and Leonid Kuchma, President of Ukraine (1994-2005)
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, U.S. Department of State, Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission (2004-2014)
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Andrej Plenkovich, Member of the European Parliament, EPP Group; Vice-Chair, Committee on Foreign Affairs; Chair, Delegation to the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee
Second day of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting, sessions 1-4
Vitaly Portnikov, Anchorman, "Espreso TV”
James Wolfensohn
James Wolfensohn
6th YES Annual Meeting, 2009
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