6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference

6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
Victor Pinchuk, businessman and founder of Yalta European Strategy
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
Victor Pinchuk, businessman and founder of Yalta European Strategy
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
Victor Pinchuk, businessman and founder of Yalta European Strategy
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
Svitlana Zalishchuk, former member of Ukrainian Parliament, Carl Bildt and Wolfgang Ischinger
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
Aleksander Kwasniewski, President of the Republic of Poland (1995-2005) and Elmar Brok, Senior adviser at Munich Security Conference
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
Vitali Klitschko, Mayor of Kyiv, Aleksander Kwasniewski, President of the Republic of Poland (1995-2005) and Elmar Brok, Senior adviser at Munich Security Conference
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
Volodymyr Klitschko, Co-Founder of Klitschko Foundation
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
Wolfgang Ischinger, Ambassador(ret), President, MSC Foundation Council Senior Fellow, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
Rados?aw Sikorski, Chairman of the Delegation for Relations with the United States at the European Parliament
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
Wolfgang Schmidt, Federal Minister for Special Affairs (Germany)
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
Neal Dunn, Representative and Memberat House Committee on Energy and Commerce (USA)
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
Zanny Minton Beddoes, Editor-in-Chief, The Economis
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
Dmytro Finashyn, Ukrainian soldier, participant of the Russian-Ukrainian war and Hero of Ukraine
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
Neal Dunn, Representative and Memberat House Committee on Energy and Commerce (USA)
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
Janine di Giovanni, Executive Director, The Reckoning Project
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conferenc
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
Michael McFaul, former U.S. ambassador to Russia, and Lenna Koszarny, Founding Partner and Chief Executive Officer of Horizon Capital
6th Ukrainian Lunch on the Margins of the Munich Security Conference
Dmytro Finashyn, Ukrainian soldier, participant of the Russian-Ukrainian war and Hero of Ukraine
Tony Blair
Tony Blair
Executive Chairman of the Tony Blair Institute and former UK Prime Minister, 16th YES Annual Meeting, 2019
«At the heart of everything that gonna happen in the next ten years will be - how do you make sense of the technological revolution, how do you access its benefits, mitigate its downsides, and how do you show the next generation that there is a way to deal with this.»