Survey “How The West Perceives Ukraine, and What The West Expects From Ukraine”

27 January 2022

A survey “How The West Perceives Ukraine, and What The West Expects From Ukraine” commissioned by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation and Yalta European Strategy (YES) demonstrated that Western public backs stronger support for Ukraine against Russia.

The research conducted by Schoen Cooperman Research, looked into how citizens of the United States, Canada, the UK, France, Poland and Germany perceive Ukraine, and which policies they support. 600 interviews were completed per country with representative samples of general population adults, as well as an additional 185 interviews with professionals with higher educations and middle-to-upper incomes in each country. 

Overall, the survey reveals strong support in all six countries for Ukraine and for assertive policies to help Ukraine defend itself, including providing military support. At the same time, the variations between different nations also provide important insights.

An article by YES Board members, Carl Bildt, Aleksander Kwasniewski, Victor Pinchuk and Anders Fogh Rasmussen, dedicated to the results of the survey is available on Atlantic Council’s UkraineAlert. Ukrainian leading analytical media Zerkalo Nedeli (Mirror of the Week) published an analysis of the research, you can find the English translation here. The original data is available following this link

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Richard Branson
Richard Branson
Founder and Chairman, Virgin Group, 9th YES Annual Meeting, 2012
«The problem of capitalism is that it does result in the extreme wealth of a few people. If those people are benevolent people, they’ll use that wealth constructively; they’ll reinvest it and do great things»