Oleksii Reznikov was born on June 18, 1966 in Lviv. Complete higher education - in 1991 he graduated from Lviv State University named after Franko majoring in "Jurisprudence", diploma with honors. 1984-1986 — completed military service in the Air Force Parachute Service of the USSR. 1991 — co-founder of the Galicia Securities brokerage company. 1994 — received the Certificate of the right to engage in advocacy No. 263. 1999-2002 — Deputy Head of the Center for the Development of Ukrainian Legislation in Kyiv. 2000-2006 — founder of Pravis company. Later known as "Reznikov, Vlasenko and partners", then - Magisters (as a result of the merger with the law firm "Magister and partners"). 2011-2014 — chief legal advisor of the Yegorov, Puginsky, Afanasiev and Partners Law Firm (as a result of the merger with the Magister and Partners law firm). Part-time lawyer and partner of Magisters JSC. In 2008-2014, he was a deputy of the Kyiv City Council of the VI convocation. Since June 2014, he has been a deputy of the Kyiv City Council of the 7th convocation, elected deputy mayor and secretary of the Kyiv City Council. Since 2015: — head of the Ukrainian delegation at the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe in 2015-2016 — Deputy Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Council under the Kyiv Mayor; — member of the board of the social project of joint action "Let's do it together"; — member of the Task Force on Reforms on Decentralization, Local Self-Government and Regional Policy at the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine; — advisor to the Kyiv City Mayor. From April 2016 to September 2018, he was the deputy head of the Kyiv City State Administration (KMSDA) for the exercise of self-governing powers: the implementation of the powers of the KMSDA in matters of state policy implementation in the areas of local self-government development, internal politics, international relations, tourism, advertising, cultural protection of heritage, education, culture, social protection, youth and sports, is responsible for carrying out reforms in the spheres of decentralization, local self-government and other spheres of Kyiv city life, etc. In 2017, he was responsible for the organization and conduct of the Eurovision song contest in the city of Kyiv on behalf of the KMDA. In 2018, he was responsible for the organization and holding of the final match of the UEFA Champions League of the 2017/2018 season on the part of KMDA. Since November 2018, he resumed legal practice as a partner of Asters Law Firm. Specializes in alternative dispute resolution, including expert opinion, negotiation, facilitation, conciliation, mediation, fact-finding, preliminary independent evaluation, pre-trial settlement meetings and settlement preparation. 2005, 2019 — member of the Supervisory Board of "Oschadny Bank of Ukraine" JSC ("Oschadbank"). Since September 2019, he has been a representative of Ukraine in the working subgroup on political issues of the Trilateral Contact Group. March 4, 2020 — appointed to the post of Deputy Prime Minister — Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine. March 19, 2020 – member of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. May 5, 2020 - the first deputy head of the Ukrainian delegation in the Trilateral Contact Group. On November 4, 2021, he was appointed by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as the Minister of Defense of Ukraine.