Valerii Pekar

Valerii Pekar is a co-founder of “The New Country” Civic Platform which unites experts working on reforms in Ukraine. He was a Member of the National Reforms Council (2014-2016) and Advisor to several ministers of economic development and trade (2014-2016). Mr. Pekar started his career in the late 1980s as a software developer and was among the first wave of Ukrainian entrepreneurs starting business in 1992. He has certain experience in marketing services, telecommunications, real estate development, and publishing. Mr. Pekar is a member of the Board of Directors of the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI). After graduating from the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School in 2007, he joined the Faculty staff and started to teach the Managing Future course, focusing on the use of forecasts in corporate practice, and the Evolution of Thinking, Leadership and Management course. Mr. Pekar is also a lecturer at the Lviv Business School (LvBS) of the Ukrainian Catholic University. He wrote more than 250 articles on management, marketing, IT, futurology and also authored two books on marketing and management. Mr. Pekar is also an active columnist for some media.

Саулі Нііністьо
Саулі Нііністьо
Президент Фінляндії, 16-а Щорічна зустріч YES, 2019
«В той час, коли дедалі більша кількість справді глобальних викликів терміново вимагатиме спільних відповідей, міжнародний порядок, заснований на правилах, руйнується на наших очах.»