David H. Petraeus and Anders Fogh Rasmussen will discuss Ukraine's Security during the 1st Munich Ukrainian Lunch

David H. Petraeus and Anders Fogh Rasmussen will discuss Ukraine's Security during the 1st Munich Ukrainian Lunch
17 February 2017

On February 18, 2017, Yalta European Strategy (YES) will host the 1st Munich Ukrainian Lunch on “Ukraine's Security in a Shifting World Order” organized within the framework of the Munich Security Conference.

The event will bring together international decision makers and thought leaders from the security sphere to draw attention to the challenges Ukraine faces.

The discussion will focus on how changes in the international order influence Ukraine's security perspectives. How is the configuration of allies and opponents of Ukraine shifting, and how should Ukraine react to this? The participants will discuss ways to provide security for Ukraine – in the spectrum from NATO membership to neutrality, which option can be effective and realistic. The conversation will also analyze the perspectives of “Minsk and beyond” – what can be the terms to settle the conflict in Eastern Ukraine?

The event will feature a panel discussion with General David H. Petraeus (U.S. Army, Retired), Director, Central Intelligence Agency (2011-2012), Chairman, KKR Global Institute, KKR & Co. L.P. and Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Founder and Chairman of Rasmussen Global, Prime Minister of Denmark (2001-2009), Secretary General of NATO (2009-2014). Stephen Sackur, Presenter, HARDtalk, BBC World News, will moderate the discussion.

Selected leaders from politics and business; experts and media from Ukraine and the world will attend the event.

Over the past five decades, the Munich Security Conference (MSC) has become the major global forum for the discussion of security policy. Each February, it brings together more than 500 senior decision-makers from around the world, including heads-of-state, ministers, leading personalities of international and non-governmental organizations, as well as high ranking representatives of industry, media, academia, and civil society, to engage in an intensive debate on current and future security challenges.

Yalta European Strategy (YES) is the largest social institution of public diplomacy in Eastern Europe, providing an open and equal dialogue on global issues affecting the European Union, Ukraine and other countries. This non-partisan organization was established in 2004 by the Ukrainian businessman and public figure Victor Pinchuk.

The YES Annual Meetings have become an open platform to discuss and look for new ideas and views on paths to European, Ukrainian and global development. These meetings bring together over 350 politicians, diplomats, statesmen, journalists, analysts and business leaders from more than 20 countries. The dialogue on global challenges broadens the vision on the situation inside Ukraine and the prospects for the country’s development in the modern world and puts Ukraine on the international map.

Global opinion leaders present their visions of current and future global trends and how they impact on Ukraine. Among the speakers have been heads of state and government of Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Turkey and others. Thought leaders and senior politicians who spoke at the YES annual meetings of YES were Kofi Annan, Carl Bildt, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Richard Branson, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Niall Ferguson, Joschka Fischer, Chrystia Freeland, Newt Gingrich, Johannes Hahn, Paul Krugman, Leonid Kuchma, Juri Milner, Condoleezza Rice, Gerhard Schröder, Larry Summers, Radosław Sikorski, Javier Solana, Shashi Tharoor, Strobe Talbott, Donald Trump, Muhammad Yunus, Robert Zoellick, and others.

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Larry Summers
Larry Summers
Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard University, 15th YES Annual Meeting, 2018
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