Ukraine and the EU need to set a new objective, a new pattern of relations - Siewec

29 June 2007

Vice-president of the European Parliament, Board Member of YES, Marek Siewec believes that the year 2020 is "a feasible time for Ukraine's accession to the EU no matter what".

There are positive factors. There are certain good signs from the European Union. In particular, they promised to sign an enhanced agreement. This is not a part of dreams - this is a part of reality. There exists a strong hope to obtain such an agreement". Marek Siewec, said this during a round-table session "Agenda 2020 and the Future of the EU-Ukraine Relations" at the 4th annual meeting of Yalta European Strategy (YES).

According to the vice-president of the European Parliament, "We need to set a new objective, a new pattern of our relations". He urged Ukraine to conduct negotiations with the EU more actively, because the EU side is willing to enter into such agreement."

Marek Siewec noted that a draft resolution, which the European parliament will vote upon in 12 days, expressly provides for the need "to in a long-term fulfill the Ukraine's pursuit to accession to the EU".

According to Siewec, this is truly a revolutionary wording, clearly sending the message, much sought-after from Europe. Marek Siewec pointed out that the EU-integration concept might, indeed, unite the political forces, giving the example on how almost all of the faction of the Ukrainian parliament voted for the legislative package on joining the WTO. "During the election campaign, please, do not be afraid to talk to the people, to your electorate about the outlook for joining Europe,"- recommended Siewec to the Ukrainian politicians.

"Yalta European Strategy" (YES) is an independent organization, which brings together high-level policy-makers, business leaders, thinkers, researchers, and journalists in Ukraine and abroad to facilitate Ukraine's accession to EU. The annual YES summits in Yalta have become the leading informal high-level forum focused on discussing and development of political recommendations. In 2006, the YES experts developed an analytical document "Agenda-2020", representing a step-by-step strategy for Ukraine's accession to the European Union in 2020. YES organization was created by a Ukrainian businessman and public figure, Victor Pinchuk in 2004.

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Alec Ross
Alec Ross
Senior Advisor on Innovation to the Secretary of State of the United States, 9th YES Annual Meeting, 2012
«The government role in innovation and entrepreneurship should principally be to unleash it»