Ukraine has a real prospect to access to the EU in 2020 - Kwasniewski

29 June 2007

Prospect for Ukraine's accession to the European Union in 2020 in accordance with the provisions of YES "Agenda-2020" is feasible enough.

This is what the president of Poland 1995-2005, Alexander Kwasniewski said to the journalists before the official opening ceremony of the 4th annual meeting of Yalta European Strategy (YES) on June 28 in Kyiv.

"One cannot assert to which extent Ukraine is ready for such accession. This is a process requiring time and efforts", - said President Kwasniewski. - This process is, unfortunately, being hindered by the political crisis in Ukraine as well as peculiarities of European policy of enlargement. "A big work is ahead of Ukraine and European Union, but I would like to stress that prospect for Ukraine's accession to the EU in 2020 is feasible enough". And all of us and everybody in Ukraine must do everything in our powers."

"Yalta European Strategy" (YES) is an independent organization, which brings together high-level policy-makers, business leaders, thinkers, researchers, and journalists in Ukraine and abroad to facilitate Ukraine's accession to EU. The annual YES summits in Yalta have become the leading informal high-level forum focused on discussing and development of political recommendations. In 2006, the YES experts developed an analytical document "Agenda-2020", representing a step-by-step strategy for Ukraine's accession to the European Union in 2020. YES organization was created by a Ukrainian businessman and public figure, Victor Pinchuk in 2004.

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Richard Branson
Richard Branson
Founder and Chairman, Virgin Group, 9th YES Annual Meeting, 2012
«The problem of capitalism is that it does result in the extreme wealth of a few people. If those people are benevolent people, they’ll use that wealth constructively; they’ll reinvest it and do great things»