Shimon Peres, George Soros, Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Alan Greenspan are to take part in live TV broadcasts at the 6th Yalta Annual Meeting

Shimon Peres, George Soros, Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Alan Greenspan are to take part in live TV broadcasts at the 6th Yalta Annual Meeting
24 September 2009

The 6th Annual Meeting of Yalta European Strategy (YES) opening today has a number of special live TV conference sessions on its agenda.

There are three TV bridges included into the meeting programme. The first one with the President of Israel Shimon Peres is to take place on Friday, 25 September. The topic of the discussion will be state-building experience and consolidation of political elites.

Live TV conference with the financier, public figure and founder of the Open Society Institute George Soros will be broadcasted on the same day, addressing a wide range of issues on the current status and prospects of the global economy development.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director of the IMF, and Alan Greenspan, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve of the United States, is to join live TV discussion on Saturday, 26 September. Together with other YES participants they will talk about post crisis development of the global economy, credit and finance in particular.

For information

The 6th YES annual meeting will be held in Yalta on Septemer 24 to 27. Among the key topics to be discussed at the plenary sessions held on 25 and 26 September at the White Hall of the Livadia Palace will be the new world economic order after the crisis, energy security, the future of Ukraine and EU, architecture of the Ukrainian-Russian relations and China’s influence on the global economy development.

During the series of discussions Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko, Leader of the Party of Regions Victor Yanukovich and Leader of the Front of Change Initiative Arsenyi Yatseniuk will present their vision for the future of Ukraine.

Yalta European Strategy (YES) – is an international non-partisan network established in 2004 by the Ukrainian businessman and public figure Victor Pinchuk. The mission of the network is to promote the development of a just, free and prosperous Ukraine; to support Ukraine’s reforms and its eventual accession to the EU. YES often organizes different events that bring together policy-makers, business leaders and distinguished public leaders to debate on the crucial issues and generate recommendations regarding the future of the world and Ukraine.

The YES Annual Meeting is the largest and most influential unofficial communication platform focusing on discussion and development of political and economic strategies for Ukraine, Europe and the world, as well as holding open and professional exchange of views on policy-making, jurisprudence, energy and investments. Since 2004 the YES forums welcomed such global figures as Bill Clinton, Tony Blare, Alexander Kwasniewski, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Gerhard Schroeder and Victor Yushchenko.

The 6th Annual Summit of Yalta European Strategy (YES) is organized in partnership with the Victor Pinchuk Foundation.

International Renaissance Foundation
Baker Tilly Ukraine
AMEL Holding

A full list of partners of the 6th Yalta Annual Meeting

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Victor Pinchuk
Victor Pinchuk
Founder, YES, Victor Pinchuk Foundation, EastOne Group, 14th YES Annual Meeting, 2017
«In the closing speech at the end of our conference let’s establish our tradition to say «next year in Yalta.»»