Egemen Bagis: To survive the crisis, Europe should enlarge

Egemen Bagis: To survive the crisis, Europe should enlarge
15 September 2012

Enlargement of the European Union would help to address the current economic problems in Europe. This opinion was voiced out by Egemen Bagis, Minister for European Union Affairs and Chief Negotiator of Turkey, at the session on “The Future of Europe” at the 9th Annual Meeting of YES.

Referring to Winston Churchill’s words that the Americans always take right decisions after they have made all possible mistakes, the Turkish Minister drew a parallel between them and the European Union. In his opinion, the rejection to extend under the impact of domestic problems is one of the key mistakes in the European policy.

“Europe should look around and see the opportunities the other countries have. To survive the crisis, the markets should be extended. If you are hung up about yourself confining within your borders you would fail to solve your problems. New markets should be sought. Only enlargement can become a solution to your problems,” Egemen Bagis said addressing the European politicians.

The Minister cited the instance of Turkey that has been seeking to become a full-fledged European country for 53 years. “We are committed to the European values but have to prove it non-stop. And we should protect European interests although we are not accepted to the Union,” Egemen Bagis said. In his opinion, similar problems exist in the EU relations with Ukraine.

According to the Minister of Turkey, the challenges could be met via modification of the EU decision-making system. “In the USA one state can’t freeze the decision taken by the rest 49 states. While in Europe, one member state may block a joint decision. The current process will not bring you the safe harbor. The tools are required to make logical, but not irresponsible decisions,” Egemen Bagis emphasized.

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