Press Office of the 13th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting announces the start of registration for media accreditation

11 August 2016

Press Office of the 13th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting (YES), which is held in Kyiv at the Mystetskyi Arsenal venue on September 15-17, 2016, announces the start of registration for media accreditation.

Please, send your inquiries at [email protected] stating your name, media, which you represent, position, e-mail and contact telephone. Due date is 22 of August 2016. Rules of accreditation consider the following quotes for the amount of representatives from one media:

  • 1 journalist and 1 operator from TV channels;
  • 1 journalist from information agencies, radio stations, printed and on-line media;
  • Photo accreditation is limited, since the Forum has its own photo service, which will provide photographic materials in public domain within a short notice;
  • If necessary to increase quotas on the number of representatives from one media, please justify your needs. Such applications will be considered individually.
  • Given the limited number of seats for media on locations of the Forum or having doubts about the compliance of media context and theme of the event, the organizers reserve the right to refuse in accreditation.
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Robert Gates
Robert Gates
U.S. Secretary of Defense (2006-2011), 14th YES Annual Meeting, 2017
«Putin is trying to do everything he can to delegitimize and undermine Western institutions. The weaker the West is, the stronger Russia is.»