The time has come to elaborate new principles of economic integration – Kelimbetov

The time has come to elaborate new principles of economic integration – Kelimbetov
16 September 2011

All integration associations in the world these days are subject to a severe trial and joining any association, a country is to assess thoroughly and soberly whether it is ready to integrate.

This thought is voiced out by Kairat Kelimbetov, Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the debates “Wider Europe in a Globalized World: Visions of Integration”.

“The European Union has been the most attractive model for integration for post-Soviet countries – probably, till the present,” the Minister emphasized. “The problems that the EU member states face today are the lessons for us to learn.”

Kairat Kelimbetov noted that there are countries in the European Union, which are ready to integrate in full, and there are countries, which are not yet ready. “Acceding the bloc, is a country sure that it is ready to integrate with absolutely all countries of the bloc? Is it ready to delegate a portion of its economic sovereignty? Answering these questions in affirmative, we may find out whether we are, indeed, ready for integration.

The Minister believes that the statement that Ukraine is rather a part of European than the Eurasian space is more politicized than pragmatic. In his opinion, any country gains from development of economic relations with the member-countries of various blocs and alliances this means it approaches the integration matters in a pragmatic way. “Should Turkey cooperate only with Europe? Or the Middle East is also important for it? To my mind, the answer is obvious. Kazakhstan’s largest economic partner is the European Union followed by Russia and China.”

The 8th Yalta Annual Meeting entitled “Ukraine and the World: Common Challenges, Common Future”, organized by the Yalta European Strategy (YES) in partnership with the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, will take place in Livadia Palace, Ukraine from 15th to 18th of  September 2011.

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Alfa-Bank Ukraine

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Aleksander Kwasniewski
Aleksander Kwasniewski
President of Poland (1995-2005), Chairman of the Board of YES, 8th YES Annual Meeting, 2011
«To remain the global leader, the European Union should enlarge»