Komorowski: European Union Must Have Will and Wish for Further Enlargement

Komorowski: European Union Must Have Will and Wish for Further Enlargement
01 October 2010

Despite today’s crisis, European Union should not stop the enlargement process and shut down the European integration prospects for Ukraine. 

Delivering his speech at the 7th YES Annual Meeting, Bronislaw Komorowski, President of Poland, said:

“We cannot accept the idea that Europe has got tired, that it should not proceed with enlargement, that it is better to take time, to wait, and to conduct one more round of negotiations. Sometimes it is an attempt at making an excuse. Two processes should go parallel with each other. On the one hand, it concerns EU modernization, restoration of the power and ability for enlargement. On the other hand, the countries willing to become EU members should accomplish and achieve the standards required for being an EU member” – the President Komorowski highlighted.

Bronislaw Komorowski also mentioned that Poland’s way to the EU had not been easy either. “We overcame the experience of adapting Poland in line with the European standards. It took more than a decade. Sometimes it was pretty difficult to explain the necessity of this process to the population. Nevertheless, the efforts gave positive results. They were of much benefit to everyone. The acceptance of EU rules helped up stay on top and keep developing during the global crisis”.That is why, according the President of Poland, Ukraine should be “brave enough to continue the European integration process”. In his opinion, Ukraine should go to Europe more actively and rapidly, supporting its European efforts with reforms.

“Time runs extremely fast, and a lot of time was spent on preliminary proclamations. Now we need to speed up. Gone is the time for words. Today is the time for actions, work and accomplishments. It is the time not only for speaking and wishing, but also for showing the achievements”, - Bronislaw Komorowski stated.

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Chrystia Freeland
Chrystia Freeland
9th YES Annual Meeting, 2012
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