15th Yalta European Strategy (YES) Annual Meeting Will Discuss the Future and Strategies to Meet the Disruptive Changes to Come

10 September 2018

The 15th Annual Meeting of Yalta European Strategy (YES) – “The Next Generation of Everything” – will be held on September 13-15, 2018 in Kyiv. Over 400 leading politicians, diplomats, businessmen, civil activists and experts from 28 countries will take part in the conference organized by the international forum YES in partnership with the Victor Pinchuk Foundation.

The discussions will focus on the future – on the groundbreaking changes that will have a profound impact on all aspects of life like never before. Which innovations will disrupt society, economy and politics? What major global challenges are ahead? What is the future of the United States, the EU, NATO, the Russian Federation? How to protect democracy against manipulation by outside powers and resist disinformation?

An important focus will be the implications of disruptive innovation for Ukraine; and on the other hand the specific challenges Ukraine is facing in its transformation process and with the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections.

Speakers of the forum include world-leading decision-makers, futurologists, historians, politicians, investors, security and media experts. Both speakers and participants of the Annual Meeting will seek answers in a variety of discussion formats.

Victor Pinchuk, founder and member of the Board of Yalta European Strategy: “The future is not kind with those who do not think about the future. Therefore, at our conference this year, our focus will be the future. To analyze the next generation of everything, as an opportunity and as a threat.”

Alexander Kwasniewski, chairman of the Yalta European Strategy Board, President of Poland (1995-2005): “Kyiv is a great place to discuss the future. Ukraine is at the forefront of many challenges facing Europe, and with its openness to the globalized world and commitment to European values can become a pioneer for Europe. Our commitment to the next generation of Ukrainians is to help them get ready for a successful European future in a changing world. This mission is at the core of YES values.”

The event will be held at Mystetskiy Arsenal.

The official Twitter handle of the 15th YES Annual Meeting is @yes_ukraine, and participants and followers can include the hash tag: #YESUkraine2018

Partners of 15th YES Annual Meeting:

  • Arawak Energy
  • Hillmont Partners
  • lifecell
  • International Renaissance Foundation
  • Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF)

Media partners of 15th YES Annual Meeting:

  • Dzerkalo Tyzhnya (DT.UA)
  • European Pravda
  • ICTV
  • Liga.net
  • Novoye Vremya Strany (NV)
  • PRYAMIY Channel
  • Radio NV
  • The Kyiv Post
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Victor Pinchuk
Victor Pinchuk
4th YES Annual Meeting, 2007
«If EU is to extend, it could not ignore Ukraine»