Aivaras Abromavicius

Aivaras ABROMAVIČIUS is an investment banker and politician who has 20 years of experience in managing big pools of money across emerging markets in public, private equity and real estate. In 2002-2014, he co-owned and was at the core of building East Capital, one of the largest and most reputable asset management companies focusing on global emerging markets, with AUM of $4 bn. After the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine, Mr. Abromavičius, a Lithuanian national, was asked to serve as the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine. Over a one-and-a-half year period, he built and managed the strongest and most reform-minded team in the entire government. Mr. Abromavičius holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Business from Concordia University Wisconsin and Concordia International University – Estonia.

Веслі Кларк
Веслі Кларк
Голова, Wesley K. Clark & Associates; Верховний головнокомандувач ОЗС НАТО (1997–2000), Спеціальна зустріч YES у Києві 24 лютого 2024 року
«Україні потрібно рухатися в напрямку інновацій, мобілізації та військового виробництва»