Johannes HAHN

Johannes HAHN

Johannes Hahn has held various management functions in the different sectors of the Austrian economy and industry, including as CEO of Novomatic AG for 5 years. Between 1992 and 1997 Hahn was Executive Director of the Austrian People's Party Vienna. In 2002, he was elected Deputy Chairman of the Party and Chairman in 2005. Member of the Regional Parliament of Vienna from 1996 to 2003, he became Federal Minister for Science and Research in 2007.
He was the Member of the European Commission in charge of Regional Policy from 2010 to 2014. Since November 2014 he is a Member of the European Commission in charge of Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations.

Роберт Гейтс
Роберт Гейтс
Міністр оборони США (2006-2011) , 14-а Щорічна зустріч YES, 2017
«Путін прагне зробити все можливе, аби делегітимізувати і підірвати західні інститути. Що слабшим є Захід, то сильнішою стає Росія. »